Pilea bracteosa Wedd. (syn: Adicea bracteosa (Wedd.) Kuntze; Adicea obliqua (Hook. fil.) Kuntze; Pilea bracteosa var. striolata Hand.-Mazz.; Pilea obliqua Hook. fil.) ?;
S-Tibet, China (NW-Yunnan), Bhutan, India, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life;

SK 3641 22 September 2022: 5 very high res. images.

Same location on 16 September 2022.


The images look like Pilea cordistipulata or P. aquarum. But two are likely not recorded in Nepal. It is too hard to confirm Pilea without flowers.

What do you it being Chamabainia cuspidata ?

I do not think it is !

Then, you should check:

I tried to check these. Pl. check Pilea bracteosa as per POWO specimen

Also check GBIF specimens from India- one and two.

Looks close.



SHRUB ID——12th DECEMBER 2011—–S.S.—–NEAR GANTOK: Shrub with beautiful leaves and dark new growth. Please can someone id this.

Taken on 8th April 2011 @ 10.30. .Near MENRONG GONG, North of GANTOK. SIKKIM
Habitat- ….Wild.
Plant…. Shrub.
No flowers/ fruits or other clues. Sorry.

if it is a low to medium height shrub may be Chrysothemis pulchella

Thank you for your very speedy suggestion …, but the leaves on the above shrub are very different, as they have 3 nerved leaves.

This is Chrysothemis pulchella from Gloxinia family.
A garden plant with bright yellow flowers.
Common name Sunset Bells.
I can add a picture of the flowers if you want.

But Chrysothemis pulchella has already been suggested by … (See 2nd post above)
I rejected that suggestion as the leaves on my mystery shrub have 3 nerves.
See links below for Chrysothemis pulchella. The leaves have a very different vein pattern.

Not Chrysothemis pulchella as leaves are different. Could be one of the nettle members.

Looks like some Pilea sp. to me.

Many thanks … for your suggestion of Pilea. This is a plant that I know well in Britain, but only indoors, as a very small houseplant. The veining does look similar. My pics were of a shrub. Are there woody Pilea?

Searched the net using all keys available in the previous comments. Key to strongly 3-veined Pilea can be found at – http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=125428#KEY-1-3
More members of Urticaceae – http://www.toptropicals.com/sale=1&first=0

Could this plant be any Melastomataceae member as in –

I agree with …, this is likely to be a Pilea sp. Taking cue from … i searched for Pilea in Sikkim –

Could be one of Pilea grandifolia varieties i.e. Pilea grandifolia CORAL.’ “Copper Pilea” Striking richly quilted pinkish- copper shimmery leaves on erect large spreading Jamaican bush. I remember to have had this plant in our garden in Chennai long back.

As per keys in Flora of Bhutan, Pilea bracteosa Weddell is another possibility. Pl. see Flora of China illustration.





Catalogue of Life   POWO  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal