Hymenolaena candollei DC., Prodr. 4: 245 1830. (syn: Hymenolaena latifolia Lindl.; Ligusticum candollei Wall.; Pleurospermum candollei (DC.) C. B. Cl.);

Afghanistan (Parwan), Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit), Jammu
& Kashmir (Zanskar, Kashmir), India (W-Himalaya)
as per Catalogue of Life;


Pleurospermum candolii ABAUG2017/01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

On Friday and Saturday, I went out with a friend to Indrahar Pass (4300m) to familiarise myself with the high-altitude flora. After camping on Friday night at Snowline (3300m) and exploring the area we hiked early Saturday up to the pass. We had to walk under steady rain and were soon wet despite our raincoats and waterproofs. Photographing was even more tricky with lenses fogging up regularly. I did manage to see a few new flowers and photographed them as best as I could. I will return to the pass in the coming days when the weather is drier but till then I am sharing what I have from this walk.
This strongly aromatic herb ‘baan’ is used by local shepherds as an offering to gods. The person accompanying us collected a bunch to take back with him for puja in the temple near Snowline. I think this is Pleurospermum candolii. Please advise me if I am wrong.

Pleurospermum candolii‘Baan’ locally
Above Lahaish Cave towards Indrahar Pass, Dharamshala, HP
3900m and above
28-29 July 2017.

P. candolii to me also. Often occur above 4000 m elevation. Strongly aromatic and with hollow stem.

Thank you … It was approximately 4000m here too, perhaps a little lower but commoner at 4000 and above. What is the plant called in your area? Is it collected for prayers too?