Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum (Vahl) P.S.Green, Kew Bull. 40: 227 1985. (syn: Jasminum sessiliflorum Vahl; Mogorium sessiliflorum (Vahl) Poir.);
Keys available at An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1993):
Calyx lobes > three- fourth the length of the corolla tube for Jasminum angustifolium var. angustifolium
Calyx lobes < half as long as the corolla tube for Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum
Key to three varieties of J. angustifolium as per The taxonomic identity of Jasminum matthewii (Oleaceae) (2016)
1. Leaves recurved at margins; secondary veins distinct on both surfaces; domatia present at axils of veins beneath. Jasminum angustifolium var. hirsutum
1. Leaves not recurved at margins; secondary veins indistinct on both surfaces; domatia absent at axils of veins beneath. . 2
2. Venation distinct only on upper surface; inflorescence a cyme, (1–)3-flowered, sessile; calyx lobes 3/4 times longer than tube; fruiting calyx much longer than fruits. Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum
2. Venation obscure on both surfaces; inflorescence a cyme or corymb, (1–)4–7-flowered, pedunculate; calyx lobes almost equal to tube; fruiting calyx shorter than fruitsJasminum angustifolium var. angustifolium
India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;


23112019EPT27 : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)

Presenting this creeper grown among bushy shrubs 
Jasminum angustifolium ?
Location : Chennai outskirts
Date :15.11.2019
Elevation : 33 mts.

Looks like Jasminum sp.

Jasminum angustifolium ??

Looks different from Jasminum angustifolium

I tried but could not find a match as per comparative images at Jasminum

On further review, I think close to Jasminum angustifolium (L.) Willd. only.

to me it looks Jasminum sessiliflorum; reasons ;
leaves small2-3.5cm x 1.5-2cm;;ovate, obtuse at base,petiole short; nerves obscure, usu. pubescent on the back on nerves;  cymes usually 1-flowered; terminal; white, calyx lobes nearly 1cm long, corolla 5-8 lobes, long; fruit not seen here; as more characters match with Jasminum sessiliflorum I go with J.sessiliflorum. (ref.as per Gamble FPM; distribution in Chengalpattu, Kancheevaram are cited) 

originally i was a bit concerned that it may not be any known jasmine, because of those rounded leaves but since then i have found mentions of some others being confused with it also
Owner of Top tropicals for example
so i went back to the keys.
i like … reasoning and key depiction. thanks, …

Jasminium angustifolium, Jasminium sessiliforum. Are they different?

Pl. see discussions at Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum :: Puducherry :: 15 OCT 19

In J angustifolium, Corolla hypocrateriform, white with exterior of tube often pinkish-vinaceous.

While looking for keys for the varieties, I was surprised with the following w.r.t. the calyx size:

Key to three varieties of J. angustifolium as per The taxonomic identity of Jasminum matthewii (Oleaceae) (2016)
1. Leaves recurved at margins; secondary veins distinct on both surfaces; domatia present at axils of veins beneath. Jasminum angustifolium var. hirsutum
1. Leaves not recurved at margins; secondary veins indistinct on both surfaces; domatia absent at axils of veins beneath. . 2
2. Venation distinct only on upper surface; inflorescence a cyme, (1–)3-flowered, sessile; calyx lobes 3–4 times longer than tube; fruiting calyx much longer than fruits. Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum
2. Venation obscure on both surfaces; inflorescence a cyme or corymb, (1–)4–7-flowered, pedunculate; calyx lobes almost equal to tube; fruiting calyx shorter than fruitsJasminum angustifolium var. angustifolium

This is in total contradiction to what I found in our observations as well as in An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1993):
Calyx lobes > three- fourth the length of the corolla tube for Jasminum angustifolium var. angustifolium
Calyx lobes < half as long as the corolla tube for Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum

Does the Gamble gives any keys between the two ?

Jasminum angustifolium var. angustifolium

Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum


Gamble described Jasminum sessiliflorum and J angustifolium; now they are known as varieties of J.angustifolium, but hirsutum is not given; there is difference in fruit also, J.angustifolium var. angustifolium fruits in pairs, ovoid; buds pinkish; but j.angustifolium var sessiliflorum fruit spherical, sessile, calyx much longer than fruit, solitary; hence attaching the fruit images; in J.angustifolium var. hirsutum stems hirsute; buds white; calux short, pedicel short, but not sessile like sessiliflorum; these are all my field observations


BND 57 29/10/2014 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify this wild climber with white flowers. It usually trails on fences and other trees. It looks like Jasminum sp. but the leaves are rather thick and leathery.

Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013. Attachments (2)

Is it Juhi?

Looks like Jasmimum angustifolium

I think this may also be Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum (Vahl) P.S.Green as per discussions in another thread: 23112019EPT27

without sizes of the leaves and the flower tube i hesitate to classify it so precisely


Swamy/New series/ID/80 – Jasminum ID: 4 images.
I am forwarding herewith the photos of Jasminum species for ID.  Received from Chennai for ID.

Could be Jasminum aungustifolium ??? var.sesiliform ???

Yes, it appears so.