China (S. Guizhou ) to Indo-China, Taiwan, Japan (Yakushima) as per WCSP;
China South-Central; Japan; Laos; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
It has been reported as new record for India in 2017 (
Chaya Deori, Satya RanjanTalukdar, Aabid Hussain Mir and K. Upadhaya. 2017. Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuy. (ORCHIDACEAE): A new addition to the Orchid Flora of India The MIOS Journal 18(8): 9-12.)



MS April, 2020/01 Liparis sp. for id : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Location : Mawmrang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca 1,650 m.
Date : 12-04-2020
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Looks like Liparis deflexa but not sure !

It is Liparis dongchenii Lucksom

I cant see what I need to see, so I cant confirm.

I just came back from field trip. Climbed a mountain to see one orchid, sat there for 2 hours to take one good pic. This was my second trip because last time it was in buds.
Please have patience to take pics and as I have always suggested, multiple pics from multiple angles.
I can see a lack of patience here. Flower is just open, not yet resupinate.
Please go again after 2-3 days and take better pics.

It is obviously Liparis and obviously not a Liparis deflexa (there is no oil gland on the centre of labellum …). I dont know the species, Liparis dongchenii. What I see here is so similar to Liparis sootenzanensis but it is not known from India.

This plant as I see is deformed.

I will say this is close to Liparis sootenzanensis, but as the flower is deformed all labellum is still facing upward and even the floral stalk is so dense and thick.

New to India ??

Ok this is another new record for India. Congratulations. Liparis sootenzanensis.

Wonderful find.
You should get it published …
Did someone already publish it?

It has been reported as new record for India in 2017.

Chaya Deori, Satya RanjanTalukdar, Aabid Hussain Mir and K. Upadhaya. 2017. Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuy. (ORCHIDACEAE): A new addition to the Orchid Flora of India The MIOS Journal 18(8): 9-12.