Tree for identification 281013MK03 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Please help me to identify this tree found on roadside. Is this any Diospyros sp.?
The tree was about 5m high and the bark is pale-coloured shown at the right-end of the second picture.
Habitat: semi-evergreen forest
Date: 11 Oct 2013
Alt.: 900 m asl
Place: KMTR, Tirunelveli, TN Is it Randia? Can this be any Euphorbiaceae? … Any sp. of Pittosporum ? I am also of the same opinion of … Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn. ? May be Pittosporum neelgherrense Wight & Arn. (GBIF) or Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn. (GBIF). May I request you to pl. post high resolution images to see more details. these are the high res pics I have. I feel it may not be Pittosporum. The fruit has a striking resemblance with that of Actephila excelsa but leaf features dont match very well. Thanks, … Yes, looks different from Actephila excelsa The fruits are reminding me of Glochidion zeylanicum. The leaves are not matching. This should be some other family. |