Actephila excelsa

Actephila excelsa (Dalzell) Müll.Arg., Linnaea 32: 78 1863. (Syn: Pimelodendron dispersum Elmer; Actephila bantamensis Miq.; Actephila dispersa (Elmer) Merr.; Actephila dolichantha Croizat; Actephila excelsa var. brevifolia N.Balach., Mahesw. & Chakrab.; Actephila gigantifolia Koord.; Actephila gitingensis Elmer; Actephila javanica Miq.; Actephila magnifolia Elmer; Actephila major Müll.Arg.; Actephila minahassae Koord.; Actephila neilgherrensis Wight; Actephila thomsonii Müll.Arg.; Actephila zeylanica Müll.Arg.; Anomospermum excelsum Dalzell; Savia actephila Hassk.; Savia zeylanica Baill.);
Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan, Guangxi) and W. & Central Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Malaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Nilgiri Actephila • Mizo: Te-lenga-mai

Small trees. Young stem, bracts and calyx lobes hispid without. Leaves 7-20 x 2-5 cm, lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute at apex, attenuate at base; petioles 0.5-1 cm long. Flowers axillary, clustered; male many, short-pedicelled; female 1-2, long-pedicelled. Male flowers: Pedicels 0.3-0.4 cm long. Calyx lobes 5, hairy without. Petals 5, smaller than calyx, white; disc lobed. Stamens 3-6, attached on the disc, filaments united to form a gonophore; pistillode present within gonophore. Female flowers: Pedicel 1-1.3 cm long. Ovary ovoid, 0.4-0.5 cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm diam, 3-celled; ovules 2 in each cell; styles 3, each again 2-fid to form 6-stigmatic lobes, lobes papillate. 
Flowering and fruiting: April-May
Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests
Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
(From India Biodiversity Portal on 5.1.14)


Euphorbiaceae for id 181010MK1:
Please help to id this shrub.

Date/Time- 12-09-2010 / 03:00 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.400 asl; Dindigul dist; TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild
Plant Habit-shrub
Height/Length- not more than 2m in height
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.10 X 3cm; linear-elliptic
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- 2.5cm across; 2 seeds

Some Glochidion ?

hey it seems to be Actephila excelsa (Dalzell). in a hurry i wrote glochidion.

Why it semms … it is indeed Actephila excelsa


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight ::Actephila excelsa from Sirumalai :: MK009 : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Name: Actephila excelsa (Dalz.) Muell.-Arg.

Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date: August 2010
Alt.: 700 m asl
Place: Sirumalai, Dindigul dist., TN

This is the first posting of Actephila excelsa var. excelsa. Thanks for these photos.

You are sharing a large number of south Indian species unknown to many of us.

image by Tapas Chakraborty

Actephila excelsa (Phyllanthaceae) : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Collected this twig of Actephila excelsa (Dalzell) Müll.Arg. var. excelsa at Dhanikhari, South Andaman Island in edge of evergreen forest at low altitude. It is a common shrub there.

Keys in BSI Flora of India takes me to var. brevifolia

Actephila excelsa var. excelsa. Var. brevifolia has been merged under var. excelsa.



Actephila excelsa var. excelsa (Phyllanthaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Common shrubs all over Andaman Islands.

Keys in BSI Flora of India takes me to var. brevifolia

The variety, var. brevifolia has since been merged under Actephila excelsa var. excelsa.


ID Please : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.
please give the identity of this plant, a shrub (?) collected from Riparian vegetation of Kannur district of Kerala. It belongs to Euphorbiaceae probably.

Looks like Actephila excelsa. Male or female flowers?

No reply from your end!


ID 02 KANNUR : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 MB.
Please identify this shrub from Kannur district of Kerala.

Seems to be Actephila excelsa.


Male flowers of Actephila excelsa (Dalzell) Müll.Arg. (Phyllanthaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
We always come across specimens with hanging fruits on long pedicels. Here is the image of the male flowers of Actephila excels.


TQ-Arunachal-08 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Unidentified wild shrub, found blooming in May,
Pasighat, East-Siang distt, Arunachal Pradesh
Please identify

Any BaliospermumCertainly looks from Euphorbiaceae/ Phyllanthaceae..

Thanks …! Looks like Baliospermum calycinum, with prominently stalked female flowers.

However, capsules are supposed to be erect in Baliospermum calycinum, but they are pendulous in the present plant. The other choice could be Baliospermum solanifolium.

To me looks different from Baliospermum

= Actephila excelsa.

Oh yes! That’s the right ID! Thanks …

I am familiar with Balliospermum montanum. We call that Dandu in our dialect and use for treating ringworm. I had firm belief that this plant can not be Balliospermum. That’s why I had suggested the name of …

121 ID wild plant: 22 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 19.08.2021, 02.05pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, filtered sunlight, river bank
Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, hard stem diameter upto 07mm, perennial
Height: 01 meter
Leaves: alternate, ovate, oblong, apex, size:15×6cm or less
Flower: 5 petals, diameter:05mm, white, non fragrant
Fruit: semi globular, green, diameter:22mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Actephila excelsa?

Acteiphila excelsa

Thanks, …, for id as Actephila excelsa



Identification request?: 2 images- 1 high res.
Shrub in a marshy area

Fruits are hanging with a long twig
Location: Tripura
Date:- 24-12-2023

It reminds me of a deceptively variable plant from Phyllanthaceae —> Actephila excelsa (Dalzell) Müll.Arg.

I need to see the staminate flowers for confirmation. Yes, either Actephila or Cleidion are my choices for the generic name, more likely to be Actephila, though never seen such slender and elongated fruiting pedicels.

I can see such long pedicels at some observations at

Thank you … May be yes.

Thank you for your reply, recently I have a discussion with …

Updated on December 24, 2024

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