Coleus adenanthus (syn: Anisochilus adenanthus Dalzell & A.Gibson) Coleus argenteus (syn: Anisochilus argenteus Gamble) Coleus dysophylloides (syn: Anisochilus dysophylloides Benth.) Coleus pallidus (syn: Anisochilus pallidus Wall.) Coleus scaber (Benth.) A.J.Paton (Endemic to India: Kerala, Tamil Nadu as per BSI Flora of India Checklist) Coleus shoolamudianus (syn: Anisochilus shoolamudianus) . A revision of Anisochilus Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) : Somran Suddee & Alan Paton- KEW BULLETIN VOL. 64: 235–257 (2009) (Summary. Sixteen species of Anisochilus are reviewed. Full synonymy, information about types, distributions, and a key to species are given. The type of the little known A. adenanthus Dalzell has been found and the widely used A.verticillatus is a synonym. A. sericeus and A. dysophylloides var. purpureus are synonyms of A. dysophylloides. A. henryi, a recently published name is a synonym of A. robustus. Nine names are lectotypified. The genus occurs in South Asia, from the East Himalaya, North Thailand, and South China in the North to Sri Lanka and Peninsular Thailand in the South.) Key to species of Anisochilus 1. Fruiting calyx with 1-lobed entire upper lip and 4-lobed lower lip; throat truncate with no anterior sinus (Fig. 1G) 2. Stem pubescent to villous; leaves membranous, densely and softly pubescent, velvety to touch . . . . . 1. A. mitis 2. Stem glabrescent to densely pubescent but not villous; leaves rather thick, often fleshy, not velvety to touch 3. Leaves glabrous, pubescent to tomentose, with tertiary reticulate venation usually obscure beneath, secondary veins prominent; posterior lip of fruiting calyx large, conspicuous . . . . . 2. A. carnosus 3. Leaves pubescent to tomentose, with both secondary veins and tertiary reticulate venation prominent beneath; posterior lip of fruiting calyx conspicuous or not 4. Spike-like heads short, ovoid, less than 20 mm long 5. Inflorescences corymbose-like in appearance, top of branches almost arranged at the same level; posterior lip of fruiting calyx conspicuous; leaves obovate or obovate-oblong . . . . . 3. A. velutinus 5. Inflorescences racemose or paniculate-like in appearance, top of lateral branches usually arranged much lower than the top of the median branch; posterior lip of fruiting calyx inconspicuous; leaves orbicular, ovate, or elliptic-obovate . . . . . . 4. A. paniculatus 4. Spike-like heads long, ovoid to cylindric, usually more than 20 mm long, if less than 20 mm long then spike-like head black in appearance when dry 6. Spike-like head ovoid to ovoid-cylindric, less than 3 times as long as broad, purplish in appearance when dry; axis usually simple, rarely 2 – 3-branched; fruiting calyx tube purplish-brown villous . . . . 5. A. scaber 6. Spike-like head long and narrow cylindric, more than 3 times as long as broad, black in appearance when dry; axis usually with 3 – 6 branches; fruiting calyx tube white villous . . . . . . . . 6. A. wightii 1. Fruiting calyx with 3- or 1-lobed upper lip, lower lip 2-lobed, sometimes obscure; throat truncate or oblique, with or without a sinus (Fig. 1A – F) 7. Fruiting calyx throat more or less truncate; anterior lip 2-lobed to ± entire, with no large sinus between anterior lobes (Fig. 1D – F) 8. Leaves opposite decussate only 9. Leaves broadly ovate or orbicular-ovate, very large, more than 40 mm wide . . . . . . . . 7. A. robustus 9. Leaves narrower, ovate, elliptic to obovate, less than 25 mm wide 10. Leaves congested at top of branch, secondary veins prominently raised beneath 11. Erect undershrub; with prominent broad circular leaf scars on stem; with several slender peduncle inflorescences congested at top of branch; leaves ovate-lanceolate . . . 8. A. suffruticosus 11. Dwarf undershrub with stem erect or ascending; without broad circular leaf scars on stem; inflorescence usually simple; leaves oblong-obovate or obovate . . . . . . . . . 9. A. plantagineus 10. Leaves well-arranged along stem, secondary veins stout but not prominently raised beneath . . . . .10. A. dysophylloides 8. Leaves whorled, occasionally opposite decussate at stem base 12. Stem longitudinally grooved; leaves more than 25 mm long, silky- tomentose . . . . . . . . 11. A. adenanthus 12. Stem not longitudinally grooved; leaves up to 20 mm long, tawny tomentose . . . . . . . . . 12. A. argenteus 7. Fruiting calyx throat oblique; anterior lip 2-lobed but lobes separated by a large sinus, giving the appearance of 5 obliquely arranged lobes (Fig. 1A – C) 13. Uppermost tooth oblong or elliptic-oblong, slightly decurved 14. Stem hoary pubescent; tube of fruiting calyx more than twice as long as uppermost tooth; inflorescence much branched; corolla 8 – 10 mm long . . . 13. A. harmandii 14. Stem densely brownish pubescent; tube of fruiting calyx up to twice as long as uppermost tooth; inflorescence rarely branched; corolla 6 – 8 mm long . . . . . . . 14. A. cambodianus 13. Uppermost tooth subulate, beak-like or dentate and decurved 15. Uppermost tooth of fruiting calyx subulate, beak-like, deflexed after anthesis and concealing throat; leaves elliptic-oblong or oblong- lanceolate . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. A. pallidus 15. Uppermost tooth of fruiting calyx dentate, decurved but not concealing throat; leaves lanceolate . . . . . 16. A. polystachyus . A revision of Anisochilus Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae … by Somran Suddee, Alan Paton – Kew Bulletin June 2009, Volume 64, Issue 2, pp 235-257- Summary: Sixteen species of Anisochilus are reviewed. Full synonymy, information about types, distributions, and a key to species are given. The type of the little known A. adenanthus Dalzell has been found and the widely used A. verticillatus is a synonym. A. sericeus and A. dysophylloides var. purpureus are synonyms of A. dysophylloides. A. henryi, a recently published name is a synonym of A. robustus. Nine names are lectotypified. The genus occurs in South Asia, from the East Himalaya, North Thailand, and South China in the North to Sri Lanka and Peninsular Thailand in the South. . Request for Revision of Anisochilus by Somran S & Paton A, kew bulletin 64:235-257. (2009) : 3 posts by 2 authors. May I request some one to pl. help me get a copy of Revision of Anisochilus by Somran S & Paton A, kew bulletin 64:235-257. (2009) for sorting out species of this genus in efloraofindia. Here it is. Attachments (1) .
. Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 12.6.15:
. Anisochilus carnosus (L. f.) Wall. ex Benth. (Himalaya (Garhwal to Bhutan), India, Ceylon, Burma) (syn. of Coleus strobilifer) Anisochilus pallidus Wall. ex Benth. (Himalaya (Nepal to Bhutan), India, Burma, S. W. China(Yunnan), Indo-China) (syn. of Coleus pallidus) Anisochilus polystachyus Benth. (Himalaya (Nepal to NEFA), Khasia, Bengal) (syn. of Coleus polystachyus (Benth.) A.J.Paton) . Species with description & keys in Flora of China (Distribution other than China): Anisochilus carnosus (Linnaeus f.) Bentham [India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka] (syn. of Coleus strobilifer) Anisochilus pallidus Wallich ex Bentham [India, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam]. (syn. of Coleus pallidus) . Biodiversity in India, Volume 4 edited by T. Pullaiah : (2006)- Species with description- Anisochilus carnosus (syn. of Coleus strobilifer) . An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details with keys– Anisochilus carnosus (syn. of Coleus strobilifer) . CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names … By Umberto Quattrocchi (1995)- Details- . Flora of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah (2000)- Details- Anisochilus carnosus (syn. of Coleus strobilifer) . . Medicinal Plants in Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah (2002)- Details- . Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (2000)- Details- . A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Volume 1 By George Watt (1893)- Details- . Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006)- Details- . Floristic Diversity of Assam: Study of Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary By Bora, Yogendra Kumar (2003)- Details- . Anisochilus (Lamiaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Anisochilus (Pl. click). Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful. . Anisochilus (Lamiaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia: 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Anisochilus (Lamiaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice.
Updated on December 24, 2024