Theriophonum infaustum N.E.Br., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 260 1880. (syn: Calyptrocoryne minuta Schott; Calyptrocoryne wightii Schott; Theriophonum danielii Rajakumar, Selvak., S.Murug. & Chellap.; Theriophonum wightii (Schott) Engl.); . S. India as per POWO; . Annual herbs, corm globose, 1 cm across. Leaves few, radical, to 8 x 6 cm, ovate, hastate at base, acute at apex, lineolate; petiole to 15 cm long, slender. Spadix axillary, to 4 cm long; spathe globose below, constricted above, limb elliptic, greenish-yellow; spadix included, one third of the spathe. Male flowers many, stamens 1 or 2; anthers sessile. Female flowers few, ovary conical, 1-celled; ovules few, basal. Neuters filiform. Fruit a groups of globose, berries. Flowering and fruiting: July-September Moist deciduous forests, also in marshy areas Southern Western Ghats (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal) . 109 ID wild plant Colocasia: 16 images. Typhonium. ?? Yes, it is Typhonium Sp. Not Typhonium but the related genus Theriophonum, this looks to be Theriophonum infaustum. It is Theriophonum, but the flower height is bigger than flower of my plant. Maximum length of my flower is 05cm (five centimeters) or less. That is the normal size of the spathes of Theriophonum infaustum. When you look at the page for this species on the International Aroid Society you will see pictures of plants grown from a collection I originally made of this species in the Idukki District. One of the pictures you will see part of a finger for size reference. But I want to stress as always if people want ID’s of an Araceae, cut the spathes open and picture the internal organs as those are the most important for identification. Yes, it is Theriophonum infaustum. …, my plant is growing in the border of Idukki district in 70% Idukki’s climate. Thank you very much for ID my plant and sharing more information about this . plants belonging to Araceae : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb. I would like the ID for the following two plants belonging to Araceae. One appears to be an Amorphophallus species and I am not sure of the other. Provenance is Palakkad, Kerala. Theriophonum minutum Thanks, …, On going through species in Flora of Peninsular India, I find it different from Theriophonum minutum as per details herein. It appears close to Theriophonum infaustum as per details herein and as per Taxonomic identity of Theriophonum danielii and T. Manickamii (Araceae) – M. SIVADASAN, V. ABDUL JALEEL, AHMED H. ALFARHAN AND P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN- June 2014 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 21(1). .
180713 ASP 119 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small plant with spadix. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012. Theriophonum sp On going through species in Flora of Peninsular India, it appears close to Theriophonum infaustum as per details herein and as per
. References: Flowering phenology and Beetle pollination in Theriophonum infaustum N.E.Br. (Araceae) Sivadasan M & Raghavan Kavalan- January 2005, Journal of the International Aroid Society 28:104-112 Taxonomic identity of Theriophonum danielii and T. Manickamii (Araceae) – M. SIVADASAN, V. ABDUL JALEEL, AHMED H. ALFARHAN AND P. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN- June 2014 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 21(1). |
Theriophonum infaustum
Updated on December 23, 2024