Haloxylon thomsonii Bunge ex Boiss.,  Fl. Orient. 4: 950 1879. (syn: Arthrophytum thomsonii (Bunge ex Boiss.) Iljin; Hammada thomsonii (Bunge ex Boiss.) Iljin);
W-Tibet, Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Gilgit, Baltistan, Skardu, Hunza), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Leh) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Ladakh Saxaul


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: PKA7 :: Haloxylon thomsonii at Ladakh:
This was a bit common plant i had seen in the sandy soil/ desert land in Ladakh. Spotted commonly at an altitude range of approx. 10500 ft to 12000 ft. It was more like a Shrub.

Location: Magnetic Hill, Leh, Ladakh and many other places.
Bot. name: Haloxylon thomsonii,
Family: Chenopodiaceae

Interesting! Believed to be a salt tolerant genus? Never seen it in nature.

Haloxylon griffithii subsp. wakhanicum : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures  of Haloxylon griffithii subsp. wakhanicum shot at Magnetic Hill on 20 August 2014.

I see there are images of this on the FOI site identified by Dvorsky from the same location. Please note that Dickore & Klimes only list H.thomsonii but I see this is given as a synonym for H.griffithii subsp. wakhanicum.  Stewart listed H.thomsonii from Ladakh incl. Sapola & Lamayuru. He also listed H.griffithii but as ubiquitous on the desert plains of N.Baluchistan, usually with Artemisia – which is subsp. griffithiiAccording to eflora of Pakistan wakhanicum is a shorter plant but larger leaves & sturdier stems.  ‘The Plant List’ does not recognise H.thomsonii

According to POWO, CoL and GBIF and the two check lists of Ladakh recently circulated  only one sp. listed in India is Haloxylon thomsonii Bunge ex Boiss. and, Haloxylon griffithii Boiss. and  Haloxylon griffithii subsp. wakhanica (Paulsen) Hedge are two different sp. without having distribution in India. Please see if it is correct

Thanks for bringing this up. The plant on FOI by Prashant was identified by Miroslav Dvorsky as  Haloxylon thomsonii, but in those times, the synonymy pointed to Haloxylon griffithii subsp. wakhanicum, which now we know is not correct. So, the plant should be Haloxylon thomsonii, which I will correct on the site.

Attached is an image of Haloxylon thomsonii from a 2019 paper.



ID request-071011-PKA2:
This was a bit common plant i had seen in the sandy soil/ desert land in Ladakh. Spotted commonly at an altitude range of approx. 10500 ft to 12000 ft.
Date/Time: 21-09-2011 / 12:00PM
Location: Magnetic Hill, Leh, Ladakh

To me this looks to be a Polygonaceae member.

Closest I can think is Rumex hastatus

Haloxylon thomsonii Bunge ex Boiss.

Yes for me.


For id 290722JM1: Ule, Ladakh: 16 images- 10 high res.
In rocky sand area near Indus, in Ule (10,000 ft.) Ladakh, on 14.6.22. 
Pl. id.

Haloxylon thomsonii

Yes, matches as per GBIF specimen.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1   GBIF (High resolution specimens)  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal