Announcing publication

Ethnobotany of the aborigine Jarawa tribe inhabiting the Andaman Islands, India is presented based on the studies carried out during 2001–2002 and 2018–2019. Ethnobotanical uses of 172 plant species used by the Jarawa tribe are documented in this presentation. They include: Marine algae: 2 families, 2 genera, 2 species. Pteridophytes: 1 family, 1 genus, 1 species. Gymnosperms: 2 families, 2 genera, 2 species. Angiosperms: 57 families, 136 genera, 167 species (Monocotyledons: 9 families, 29 genera, 48 species. Dicotyledons: 48 families, 107 genera, 119 species). The book is documented with 65 photographic Plates. Some of the earlier compiled publications on the plants used by the Jarawa tribe are marred by inaccuracies. Such inaccurately reported uses of 68 plant species are enumerated separately in a Table with references and appropriate notes and comments. The introductory part deals with the location, area, origin, geology, climate, soil types, vegetation, and the forest types of the Islands. A chapter has been added about the aborigine tribes and the settlers of the Islands. Botanical history of the Islands is then discussed followed by historical notes, review of literature on the economic botany, ethnobotany and anthropological studies. Background of the present studies and the materials and methods adopted are also elaborated. Next, the available details of the Jarawa tribe, such as origin, language, social aspects, age-sex ratio, movement, dietary pattern and storage of food, hygienic practices and common diseases and morbidity are mentioned with references. Finally, the ethnobotany of the tribe is presented followed by notes on impact of human interference and concluding remarks. The book is appended with a chapter on typifications and taxonomic notes. It is hoped that this presentation will be helpful for the researchers and students of botany, taxonomy and ethnobotany with reference to the Andaman Islands, India.

Congratulations Tapas JI, really appreciable hard work, we want to share our knowledge to society until the life end, there’s no retirement for these, hope this is your concept, I like very much sir,

Thank you very much for your hard work, we need elders like you, out of these Young generations will be strong.

Congratulations Tapas Ji, it really needs very tough ground work…this is an invaluable contribution…!!!

I am overwhelmed by your compliments.
I will send a complimentary copy to Rawat ji as usual in due course.
Next, our third author Chenna provided many recent photographs of plants from the Islands for reproduction in the book. Now that it is published, I will share these excellent images of plants to the group because these all will be additions.
Kind regards and expressing gratitude to all of you once again.

Congratulation Dr. Chakraborty. It is great work.