Our new https://efloraofindia.com/ site is ready now

I am back on efloraofindia e-group. This is in continuation of my earlier post at eFloraofIndia Google site will no longer be edited.
I could incorporate around 2600 edits (including images in them) in around 1400 posts (pages) from 26.10.20 to 3.12.20, in our new site (https://efloraofindia.com/) from Google site (which were not there as content were transferred to new site by 26.11.20).
Saroj ji and Paradesi ji, will not feel lonely now in the group.
It was surprising to me that I could do this job in 9 days instead of a month I thought earlier.

After basic training for half an hour from the vendor on 3.12.20, I made a go at our new site in WordPress. Thanks to my earlier experience in Google site for more than 10 years, I found the job quite easy. Wherever, I got stuck, the net was always there to guide me. Most of my doubts were resolved. I am very confident now to carry it forward for our future.
Our site looks good now except for formatting issues here and there (due to migration from Google sites to WordPress as both these CMSs are not compatible). Formatting issues will now be corrected by me, as and when I edit any page for updation in future. I will only be referring to our new site in future.
Thanks to all of you that we were able to migrate our contents to a new site by 12.12.20 i.e. almost within four and a half months, much in advance of the deadline of 31.09.21. We still have around 10 months in our hand.

Thank you …  to have back so soon. Yes indeed I felt a void.
But still I guess it will take plenty of your time in updating !
We all are grateful to you !

Great job done, Sir

Thank you very much.

Great news …

eFI flag is flying higher and higher.

Great effort and indeed happy news.

Thanks very much …
Your note of confidence is a matter of great relief to all of us.
Best wishes to you for getting the content tuned to your visualization.
I also hope you “finish” the migrated content in good time.
Do take care by taking frequent breaks.

Migration is complete. But as you are aware formatting has been disturbed. It will be corrected as and when, I edit a page for updation of future posts.

Ok, thanks …

Implies that you will be formatting the pages when their turn comes up for updation.
That is wonderful.

Yes, …

Happy to know, timely efforts, now got our own site. Thank you … and others.