Error 20: Connection failed

Not functioning:

It is working fine.
Maybe some server issue for some time.

already working

Website not working:
I was trying to open today. I have tried it many times but failed. Instead a message is displayed

I was trying to open today. I have tried it many times but failed. Instead a message is displayed

It seems that you have a licence problem for selected websites.
Check it. It happened earlier to me and our system admin corrected it for me.

I am facing the same problem. I will check with our engineering unit tomorrow.

I can also open it. No problem

The site open for me sometimes but not always. At times I get the same message, I am not sure why this is happening

Thanks to you all. I will take up with Ladybirdweb.

I am also facing the same problem when trying through our university broadband. However, on my mobile, the site is opening normally.

A reply from Ladybirdweb:
“Hi …,

Hope you are doing well.
Our Team is looking into it, We have restarted the PHP-FPM and Apache services on your server.
its working fine now”

I am still facing the same issue. It could possibly be our institutional server restriction. I have asked them to check it.

Sorry for the late reply, but I was waiting to check connectivity for a few days. Unfortunately I am still facing the same issue.

I am also facing a similar problem once in a while.
It gets resolved by changing the network (say from Jio to Airtel and vice versa, etc.).
So pl. try this option until this issue is finally resolved.

Thank you, I shall try this option, but it is happening on my computer thru internet not wi-fi. anyway i do hope that it resolves itself.

I am also facing the same problem now.

now working !

In my case, it was restricted by my office server.
It has been resolved by them.

Not able to open website.

Both Working fine with me

I am in California USA these days.

let us know which links you are trying.

Did you try these two.

Sir, throughout the day, it ( was not working. Now, opening properly.

I am after the Ladybirdweb for resolving this issue.
It gets resolved by changing the network (say from Jio to Airtel and vice versa, etc.).
So pl. try this option until this issue is finally resolved.

Sir, website is showing erratic behaviour. It opened up 2-3 times in the morning, but stoped again now.

Try changing the network (say from Jio to Airtel and vice versa, etc.) when you are unable to open it.
I am able to manage like that so far.

I have only Jio connection.

Hope you are doing well.
We have made several significant changes on the server today. We hope this resolves the issue you have been facing. If the problem persists, we can temporarily disable SiteLock for a few days to see if that resolves the issue.
Additionally, if we disable SiteLock permanently, we can enable a premium DNS service for you (which has minimal charges), which includes enhanced security checks.

Working perfectly now, … No issue for the last two days.

Hope it sustains in the coming days.

Me ok !


Problem with browsing eflora site. Is there any problem with eflora’s server.:
I am facing problem while browsing eflora site.

Is anybody else also facing similar issues?
Since when are you facing such issues and at what frequency?

Need to check with others, but have checked with my phone, and 2 laptops, it’s showing the same.
Today morning it was working fine.
Now it’s showing the same problem.

Request others to tell if they are facing the same problem.
I hope the problem is resolved now.
If anybody has probelm, pl. let me know.

The problem is not resolved yet, sometimes it blocks and sometimes it works fine, don’t know the logic yet.

The server is very slow as if it is overloaded.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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