Mitragyna diversifolia (Wall. ex G.Don) Havil., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 33: 71 1897. (syn: Mamboga capitata Blanco;  Mitragyna javanica Koord. & Valeton; Nauclea adina Blanco, nom. illeg.;  Nauclea diversifolia Wall. ex G.Don; Stephegyne diversifolia (Wall. ex G.Don) Brandis; Stephegyne diversifolia (Wall. ex G.Don) Hook.f.; Stephegyne parvifolia Vidal; Stephegyne tubulosa Fern.-Vill., nom. illeg.);
Bangladesh to China (Yunnan) and Malesia as per POWO;

MS, Dec.,2020/24 Mitragyna sp. for id.

Location : Chikha near DTR

Date : 12-03-1998
Habit : A tall tree with a straight trunk ?
Habitat : Wild

Note : Wood, hard, yellow, used for furniture

It resembles,

Don’t you have other images ?

It does not look like Mitragyna parvifolia

Possibility is there of this being Mitragyna rotundifolia as per GBIF– specimen1 & specimen 2

No, I don’t have other image. Sorry !!

I think you have rightly identified it as Mitragyna diversifolia. It matches with GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2 as well as illustration

What are the other species reported ?








References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF– specimen 1  specimen 2  illustration  Flora of China  Flora of Thailand  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  Pl@ntUse