Pentasachme caudatum

Pentasachme caudatum Wall. ex Wight, Contr. Bot. India 60 1834. (syn: Pentasachme championii Benth.; Spiladocorys angustifolia Ridl.);

Himalaya to S. China and Peninsula Malaysia: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;

MS, Dec., 2020/09 plant for id
1 high resolution image.
Location : Dampui forest
Date : 03-09-2016
Habit : Undershrub ?
Habitat : Wild

Apocynaceae member, Ceropegia sp.,

What are the species reported from your area?

Ceropegia angustifolia, C.longifolia and C.macrantha are recorded in Mizoram

Maybe some other genus.
Does not match with any of these species as per Ceropegia macranthaCeropegia longifolia and Research Gate

I guess this is not Ceropegia sp.

Probably genus Brachystelma

Thanks, … Yes, it appears to be. Could you pl. help us in the id of this one?
Hi, …, What are the species reported from your area?
I tried, but could not reach to any conclusion as per

The genus Brachystelma is not recorded in Mizoram

Anything from Frerea or related genus?

No, nothing sir

Do you have any other photos like that of roots etc.?

Sorry ! No, sir

without detailed photos of this specimen, we cannot go more further on the Identification

Thanks, … But are sure that it is Brachystelma ?

Whether this is tuberous herb?
More photos with closeup will be essential.

At present it doesn’t look like Brachystelma.

Corona in the image is not visible and the tuber is present or not. Corona whether single or double. If it is double, then it is Brachystelma

Brachystelma sps

Convallariaceae ??

An Apocynaceae I believe, Pentasachme caudatum.

Yes …  is right. Its Pentasachme caudatum Wall. ex Wight (Apocynaceae) distributed from Nepal to East Himalaya and much of SE Asia.

I think … got it right! Great work …!



References: POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens)  Flora of China  FOC illustration  India Biodiversity Portal  HK wildlife Botanic FPCN  Apodagis

Updated on December 23, 2024

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