Colocasia affinis ?;
Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Remusatia vivipara For Validation : Araceae : Jim Corbett : 110814 : AK-4 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
This looks like Colocasia to me.
Remusatia vivipara grows on other trees I hope.
I too think this is Remusatia vivipara as … opined..
Maybe some Colocasia species as per discussions in the following threads:
Colocasia species- Kamrup district, Assam
Alocasia sp.(Araceae) for ID(A.fornicata?)
MS, April,2021/01 Colocasia sp. for id.
- spadix with a barren appendage = Alocasia, Colocasia
- spadix without an appendage = Remusatia
I would go for Steudnera sp. for the plant with very shallow sinus (left) and C. ?affinis for the plant on right (a more pale green blade than C. fallax), but I’m very uncertain on this one.
Are you sure that both images were taken in Jim Corbet as image nos. are widely different?
I checked.
Colocasia For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 180614 : AK-32 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1 + 1).
Growing on steep or vertical slope; it may not be Colocasia. May be Remusatia vivipara, reproductive structures required for proper ID.
This was deep inside the moist forest of Durga Devi area on way to Lohachaur.
“I would go for Steudnera sp. for the plant with very shallow sinus (left) and C. ?affinis for the plant on right (a more pale green blade than C. fallax), but I’m very uncertain on this one.”