Leea rubra Blume ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 670 1824. (syn: Leea brunoniana C.B.Clarke; Leea linearifolia C.B.Clarke; Leea polyphylla Miq.; Leea sambucina Blanco; Leea sanguinea Wall. ex Bojer; Leea sanguinea Kurz);
Tropical Asia to N. Australia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Java, Myanmar [Burma], peninsular Malaysia (Perlis, Kedah, Penang Isl., Kelantan), India (Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, +Singapore, Sumatra, Madura Isl., Lesser Sunda Isl. (Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba, Timor), Borneo, Palawan, Sulawesi, Moluccas (Tanimbar, Kei Isl.), New Guinea as per CoL;
Flora Picture of the Year 2012 – SK : 24 posts by 11 authors. Attachments (1).
Well, it was the 17th July, 2012 and Raju Sir drew my notice to this beautiful plant, a Leea sp., inside the Botanical Garden, Shibpore, Howrah. I can’t express my amazement when Raju Sir himself cleared a few weeds so that i could be able to take photographs without any obstruction before me.
Thanks, … You have become a source of encouragement to many of us now.
Thank you very much Sir, our group has an excellent capability to mould a commoner.
Lovely shot and nice story. I found … one as one meticulous taxonomist (Teacher) who provides key and minute details of each plant he came across and follows that from its flowering to fruiting. To me he is one of the fastest learner. No doubt he is a resource rich person in the group and the way he is exploring flora of Bengal, i am sure we will cover the Eastern Indian flora in the long run. Best of luck …
Thank you Sir, i am adding one more, for ID.
I always believed that the value of Howrah Botanic Garden is actually underestimated. Its a place of great resource of living as well as voucher specimens.
Thanks for sharing this pic. I thought there is only one species in lower plains of India. But if you got this from Sibpur then probably it may not be the local one. as many plants came to the garden from other parts of India and abroad. I think this is Leea macrophylla.
Thank you very much for the ID, i tried once and gave up.
Beautiful shot! Thanks for sharing … Would like to quote a famous TV advt…..’An idea can change your life’. 🙂
Wonder if it can be Leea rubra Blume ex Spreng (Vitaceae). Our W. Ghat Expert friends may confirm
- Leaf 2–4-pinnate, leaflet lamina ovate to ovate-oblong, apex acuminate, margin crenate to dentate, base rounded to cuneate, 3–10.5 cm by 2–4 cm, lamina chartaceous, minutely hairy along veins; rachis red …… = http://floraofsingapore.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/leea-rubra/ ….. source = http://floraofsingapore.wordpress.com/category/class-magnoliopsida/superorder-rosanae/order-vitale/family-vitaceae/
- pictures = Nature loves you
- another pic = http://www.flickr.com/photos/phuonglovejesus2782010/5883039313/
- syn. = http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/tro-34000006
- no L. rubra in Flora of China = http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=117843#KEY-1-2
- syn. = http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-2341143
- description = http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=242328697
- more description = http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week106.shtml
- pics = HEAR
Difference between these two species lies in the stipule characters. Here is a key from Fl. Malesiana (Ser. I Vol 7):
Looking forward to see the stipule photographs from your good-self.
Thank you very much …, for the keys.
Thanks … for revisiting the thread and digging out beautiful narration of your personal experience.. I would like to tell you that I have got almost similar Leea from Siliguri area, will share soon for id..
I think closer to images at Leea guineense G.Don
As per 08-05-2021 : S-KOLEY : Leea diversity in India from …:
- flowers are not exactly like some other posts, here inside of the petals are red –
- less exserted (?) staminodial tube
- oblong (?) stipule (somewhat similar stipule can also happen in L. guineensis
Yes I checked and guessed accordingly.
Both look so similar.
As per 08-05-2021 : S-KOLEY : Leea diversity in India from …:
“I think … Leea from Singapore is Leea rubra Bl.ex Spreng. Its petals are red inside as in Singapore Govt. Agency site – https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/flora/2/1/2192
It is expected that flowers of L. guineensis would be “creamish yellow” when open, because the “paper”, while describing Leea setuligera Clarke, notes. “very similar to L. guineensis in general appearance, and possibly frequently overlooked and confused with that species. ……””
100713 ASP 94 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this plant. Photo was taken from a herbal garden in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.
Leea sp., may be L. rubra.
Look like Leea guineensis G. Don
Looks more like Leea coccinea Rubra as in toptropicals.com (link)
As per 08-05-2021 : S-KOLEY : Leea diversity in India from …:
“I think, the upload by Siva ji from Sri Lanka herbal garden efi thread is Leea alata Edgew, (even though Sri Lanka is not in the given distribution list) because –
- as far as I can see it is 1-pinnate leaf with sessile leaflets, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate leaflets
- most importantly oblong stipule
- KEW herbarium – http://apps.kew.org/herbcat/detailsQuery.do?barcode=K000736383
- GBIF herb. (also sourced from KEW) – https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/912569415
Thank you.”
This should be Leea rubra Spreng. ex Blume.
As per attached images leaves are 2-3 pinnate, inflorescence and flowers are red.
Agreed, ji, if leaves are more than 1-pinnate!
IDENTITY : 54: 3 images.
Attaching a few images of a wild plant. Seems to be some Leea species.
Leea guineense G.Don is one possibility as per comparative images at Leea, but difficult to say with these images.
It is Leea alata Edgew, I think. Please check –
Your sharp yes may find some Leea alata Edgew over here,
I only used the KEY in the “Bengal Plants”, Sir, since this species is wild.
I will check our database for other uploads of red Leea.
it appears to me that I made another mistake in identifying it as Leea alata. Here, the leaves are not 1-pinnate, as I thought earlier. Please check the KEY to red flowered Leea, below :-
- Leaves 1-pinnate = L. alata Edgew.
- Leaves 1-2-3 pinnate (bipinnate, occasionally tripinnate at base – Flora of Zambia) = L. guineensis G. Don
- Leaves 2-4 pinnate = L. rubra Bl. Ex Spreng
- Leaves 2-3 pinnate, leaves setaceously hairy above, below with setaceous hairs on the nerves = L. setuligera Clarke
Now, I myself am confused. Don’t have a clear idea how to differentiate the above spp.
May I request you to pl. post more detailed images, showing stipules etc. for proper id.
I am confused here, Dada, please check and decide –
- If leaves are 1-pinnate – it is Leea alata.
- if leaves are more than 1-pinnate; and inside of the petal is red – it is Leea rubra
- If leaves are more than 1-pinnate and inside of the petals are creamy-white – it is L. guineensis.
I would like to add one more point – that leaf rachis of Leea alata would be narrowly winged, which I do not see here.
A blog from Bangladesh feature similar looking Leea – Link
In the same way … species might e Leea alata as well.
No, I cancel the idea.
… plant should also be L. rubra.
Leea rubra in FOI:
Images of Leea rubra in FOI may not be correct as per discussions at SK1699 05 Jan 2019
Pl. correct.
FOI link. I think discussed at SK546 06 JUN-2017:ID
I had looked at this discussion, but looks like I misunderstood the final conclusion. Will correct it.
References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos Monaco Nature Encyclopedia Flora fauna web