My latest book release “Flora of Sikkim-a pictorial guide”: 4 images.
I am happy to share the following news items related to my latest book release……………..
News in the Hindu
Sikkim blossoms: smallest State home to 27% of India’s flowering plants

News in Sikkim Chronicle

Rajib Gogoi


Release of Flora of Sikkim in MOEF & CC Twitter handel:
I am happy to share with you all………….

Rajib Gogoi
Regional Head, BSI, Gangtok

Wonderful work.
Congrats to the authors, for having undertaken such a herculean task.

The book contains checklist of 5068 taxa (including 152 cultivated taxa), belonging to 1491 genera & 209 angiosperm families that are occurring in Sikkim with updated nomenclature & distribution.The book details the geography, ecology, vegetation pattern & forest types of Sikkim.

The book contains about 2000+ coloured photographs of about 1350+ species from Sikkim Himalaya and is authored by Rajib Gogoi, Norbu Sherpa, J.H. Franklin Benjamin, D.K. Agrawala, S.K. Rai and S.S. Dash.

Unfortunately no hard copy will be available because of high cost of printing.

“interested one can book for a hard copy with the authors”
Press is willing to reprint because of high demand, if they get order from someone want to buy.

Congratulations to Dr. Rajib Gogoi JI

Many Congratulations !

Hearty congratulations Dr Gogoi ji !!!

Hearty congratulations Gogoi ji