Poikilospermum suaveolens

Poikilospermum suaveolens (Bl.) Merr., Contr. Arnold Arbor. 8: 47 1934. (syn: Covellia composita Miq.; Covellia grandifolia Miq.; Balansaephytum tonkinense Drake; Conocephalus ellipticus Trécul; Conocephalus gratus Miq.; Conocephalus mollis Gagnep.; Conocephalus mollis Merr.; Conocephalus naucleiformis Lindl.; Conocephalus oblanceolatus Ridl.; Conocephalus ovatus Trécul; Conocephalus piperi Elmer; Conocephalus pubescens Trécul; Conocephalus roxburghii Trécul; Conocephalus sinensis C.H.Wright; Conocephalus suaveolens Blume; Conocephalus tonkinensis (Drake) Renner; Conocephalus violaceus (Blanco) Merr.; Poikilospermum gagnepainii Merr.; Poikilospermum molle (Merr.) Merr.; Poikilospermum oblanceolatum (Ridl.) Merr.; Poikilospermum piperi (Elmer) Merr.; Poikilospermum sinense (C.H.Wright) Merr.; Poikilospermum tonkinense (Drake) Merr.; Procris violacea Blanco);
E. Himalaya to China (S. Yunnan) and Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Jawa, Laos, Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Fragrant Conehead • Adi: Ogik • Assamese: Gabong lota, Cham-lata, Lata Dimoru • Mishing: Agig reibe

A large evergreen climber, stem woody. Leaves smaller alternate, ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, sub-coriaceous, glabrous, cystolith present. Flowers fragrant, dioecious in axillary dense globose heads. Found in Northern Assam, Upper Assam, Western Assam, Kamrup, Darang & Sonitpur.
Flower blooms during January to March. Fruit ripes during March to April
(Attributions- Wild edible plants of Assam. by Sri Brahmananda Patiri and Sri Ananta Borah, published by the Director Forest Communication, Forest Department, Assam. Curated for upload by Pranjal Mahananda as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Plant ID from BD: 1 image.

Memecylon ??

Another picture

Check Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth. or If it is scandent, check Uncaria.

Seems Rubiaceae member,
Please post some more information, like habit and leaves closeups,

Yes Mitragyna parviflora

Don’t the leaves seem to be alternate?

Agreed, Madam, and in that case it might be Anoseissus sp,

But, here flowers are tubular. Does the second pic show opposite leaves, not leaves but another petiole, at the top?
That is the problem of uploads with insufficient data or pics.

Pl. post a habit image and mention where exactly and in which habitat it was taken.
Maybe Mitragyna diversifolia also along with other possibilities mentioned by other members.

It is from Kaptail National Park, Rangamati, Bangladesh. It is a broad leaf evergreen hill forest.

Scandant shrub or tree ?

The person who took the picture from the forest, he unable to remind it. But it seems to be a scandant shrub. Please check the other attached pictures.

3 images.

Does not match with Mitragyna diversifolia as per images herein and as per GBIF specimens- onetwo and three.

I think this is Poikilospermum naucleiflorum or P. suaveolens [Urticaceae]

Thank you Sir, for the id, it explains the scandent nature and alternate leaves of the concerned species.

Thanks a lot, …, for the wonderful id.

To me appears close to Poikilospermum suaveolens as per
Flora fauna webFlora of ChinaPOWOGBIF specimens- onetwo, and three (from Bangladesh), FOI.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  GBIF specimens- onetwo, and three (from Bangladesh) (High resolution specimens) Flora fauna web  Flora of China  FOI  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal

Updated on December 23, 2024