Colocasia oresbia

Colocasia oresbia A.Hay, Sandakania 7: 39 1996. ;

Assam (Manipur) to Bangladesh, Borneo (Sabah) as per POWO;

Araceae for ID (Alocasia sp. ?) : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).

Location : Lengte, Mizoram
Altitude : ca. 450 m.
Date : 23-08-2014
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Grows wild. Rhizome has some smelling

Rhizome of the same sp. Attachments (1).

To me it is Alocasia odora

If this individual represents the general habit of its population I think it is not Alocasia odora (Roxb.) K. Koch, which have general habit of A. macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don.

“Spadix equalling the cymbiform spathe….” – Roxburgh.
“Appendix ……. markedly thicker than male zone at base” – FoC
There is one A. odora (Lodd.) Spach – don’t know this one, where appendix looks different, and much less than 1/3 rd of the spadix length of Roxburgh’s plant.
Such a much shorter spadix than the spathe limb is unlikely to be any Alocasia, unless new species has been reported from the region.
I have similar Colocasia leaves, of-course not polished.
Attachments (2).

Your two last pictures are of course Colocasia esculenta.  Are your 1st pictures the same as the last two?  I saw that your 3rd picture is shiny so I guess it was A. odora. Next, could you please see the following pictures.

I have posted only two pics (prefixed with “P”) in this thread, rest are from … Both my leaves are not shiny or polished, they are of Colocasia esculenta. I am attaching those image again.
Surely, … picture no. DSCN1594 shows somewhat polished leaf, otherwise I would have identified … plant as  C. esculenta.
Attachments (2).

Please check the following links for some very interesting variations of C. esculenta leaves –
  1. Academia (please scroll down the document)
  2. Lucid Central

Nevertheless I am not telling that … plant is C. esculenta.

Please check probability of C. antiquorum Schott for this plant.

Since your pic DSCN1593.JPG, in original post shows one somewhat polished leaf (please note … comment in the thread) and spadix considerably shorter than spathe limb, limb open above base, I think it satisfies the description and illustrations of FoC.

Is it Colocasia antiquorum ?

Yes, my guess is Colocasia antiquorum Schott.

Same pic. of Colocasia. A perennial herb, up to about 1.8 m. tall. It grows well in damp shady places. Attachments (4)

Thank you for more photographs. I still think it is Colocasia, cf. C. antiquorum Schott.

…, this linked pdf is not directly related to this post but it gives an account of edible wild species around your region.

Size : Height : 1.95 m.
Leaves : 94 cm. x 72 cm.

Thank you very much. Maybe … is correct, please check for brain like pattern (labyrinthine network of fissures) on the appendix, that would confirm if it is Alocasia.
3 images.

fascinating details
brain like pattern on top of corn like rows…
i think this is nature never forgets a pattern it makes, and reuses it if it worked the first time
like there are sea  corals that have the same kind of patterns and rounded/mounded surfaces… often their surfaces are blue and become a collectors items for rich aquarium owners…  and so declined…
ps now that we have talked of this here I’ll at least never forget the diagnostic point

Yes …, I have read (and have forgotten too) about corals in a zoology paper, but never had this vision. Thank you very much, my brain now seems to have started perceiving the amazing way nature works.

It is Colocasia antiquorum Schott.
Alocasia odora is different plant –  POWO

Both POWO and CoL treat Colocasia antiquorum Schott. as a syn. of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott

I was following “Flora of China”, Sir

Yes, I know. I have seen.

Then it’s your call, Sir ji.

Flora of China is very old, around 15 to 20 years old.

OK Sir ji.
It’s interesting to note that there is a Colocasia that has somewhat shiny adaxial leaf surface.

This species is probably Colocasia oresbia A.Hay.
An account of this novel species can be accessed at KEW and a paper from Bangladesh (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.pdf)

Sir, very similar with Colocasia oresbia, A.Hay

Yes probably.

Thanks, …, for id as Colocasia oresbia A.Hay.
You may be right as per PublicationPOWO and GBIF.

Since you too agree, …, I think the id can safely be accepted.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Publication  GBIF (High resolution specimens) cate-araceae  IAS

Updated on December 23, 2024

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