2 Technical RA positions with Plant Identification Skills

2 Technical RA positions with Plant Identification Skills at ATREE, Bangalore:

Please see the below requirements for immediate fulfilment at ATREE. Feel free to circulate it further among your contacts. People with competence and deep interest in plant taxonomy and ecology are particularly encouraged to apply.

Position-1: Socio-ecological assessments of forests, grassland and savanna sites in


  1. Master’s Degree or higher in Botany or any related life-sciences/environmental sciences discipline with competent plant  identification skill.
  2. Experience/exposure to ecosystem assessments and systematic field sampling
  3. Experience in working with GIS and Remote Sensing tools along with good grasp over statistical methods
    including quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
  4. Excellent interpersonal skills and willingness to work proactively
    as part of an interdisciplinary team
  5. Field work skills including willingness to travel and spend the
    necessary time in the field.
  6. Language Requirements: Fluency in written and spoken English and spoken Kannada

Position-3: Sustainable Urban Gardens and Biodiversity


  1. Master’s Degree or higher in Botany or any related life-sciences/forestry/wildlife discipline with competent plant  identification skills
  2. Experience in working with GIS and Remote Sensing tools with good knowledge of excel.
  3. Excellent interpersonal skills and willingness to work proactively
    as part of an interdisciplinary team
  4. Field work skills including willingness to travel and spend the
    necessary time in the field
  5. Language Requirements: Fluency in written and spoken English


Deadline for all positions: 23rd October 2021.

ATREE is an equal opportunity employer, and fosters diversity at the work place. Applications from women and under-privileged sectors of the society are welcome. Apply with a letter of intent, SoP and an updated CV with current address and contact details with the subject heading: Application for (Position no)
(Title of the project) to rajk…@atree.org

Remuneration: Commensurate with qualification and experience


Updated on December 23, 2024

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