Ptilotrichum canescens (DC.) C.A. Mey., C.F.von Ledebour, Fl. Altaic. 3: 66 (1831) (syn: Alyssum canescens DC.Anodontea canescens (DC.) Sweet; Alyssum cretaceum Adams; Alyssum dauricum Schltdl. ex DC.; Alyssum imbricatum Schltdl. ex DC.; Alyssum montanum Patrin ex DC.; Clypeola maritima Georgi; Ptilotrichum cretaceum (Adams) Ledeb.; Stevenia canescens (DC.) D.A.German; Adyseton fischerianum Sweet);
SW. Siberia to W. Himalaya: Altay, China North-Central, Inner Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Qinghai, Tibet, Tuva, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO;

Perennial herbs, usually laxly caespitose, about 5-10 cm tall, tomentose with stellate, appressed dimorphic trichomes. Rootstocks slender, woody taproot. Stem erect, woody near the base, leafy, simple or sparsely branched. Leaves simple, in dense clusters, linear oblanceolate-oblong, about 5-15 x 0.8-2.5 mm across, base attenuate, margin entire, apex subacute to obtuse, petiole sessile. Inflorescence racemes, 10-20 flowered, simple or branched, elongated in fruit, ebracteate. Flowers bisexual, white, pink, purple, about 5 mm across, pedicel erect or slightly curved, divaricate, slender, filiform, ascending, about 7-8 mm long in fruit, sepals 4, free, erect, linear lanceolate-oblong, inner lateral pair base not saccate, about 2.5 x 1.5 mm across, petals 4, obovate-oblong to spathulate, much or twice longer than sepals, margins entire, apex obtuse or emarginated, about 3.5 x2.5 mm across, claw distinct. Stamens 6, tetradynamous, about 2-3 mm long, filaments fliform, anthers linear-oblong, lateral nectar glands somewhat projected outwards. Ovary superior, ovoid to subglobose, bicarpellary, ovules 1-2. Fruit siliqua, dehiscent rarely subdehiscent or indehiscent, ovate-obovoid, about 3-5 x 2-3 mm across, latiseptate, densely pubescent, valves with prominent midvein, uniformly turgid or inflated, base rounded, apex acute, septum broad complete, style about 1-1.5 mm long. Seeds 1-2, brown, compressed orbicular-suborbicular, ovate-ovoid.
(Attributions: Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Kailas Manasarovar Route::Wild flower for ID NSJ-SEP 16/19 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild flower for ID. Located on the arid banks of Rakshas tal, Tibet. Altitude 15000 feet. Aug 2016.

I can suggest upto family level, see in Brassicaceae..

Thanks, …, for pointing out the family. It appears to be some Desideria species not in efi so far?

Yes, Desideria is a sound suggestion as to genus (the family is Brassicaceae – formerly Cruciferae).
Sometimes it is essential to have fruits to confirm identification especially in less well-known genera or those which are more difficult.
I knew the genus before as Ermania.
There are 4 species in the genus recorded from Ladakh, some of which no doubt occur in ‘Central’ Tibet where this was found but there could easily be species not known in Ladakh.
So if it is a Desideria:
We can rule out Desideria (Ermania) himalayensis as the foliage is completely different – fleshy oval, toothed leaves & small lilac flowers.
Also, D.pumila.
Desideria linearis is, according to Stewart, distinguished by small flowers, second (meaning one side of an axis) racemes and linear silicules. It is recorded from Tibet.
Desideria stewartii is found from 3900-4950m, so this is promising altitude-wise – there is an image of this in the Kew herbarium but cannot access it at the right size to assess it.
That is the best I can do at this point – and as mentioned, there may be other species to consider.

I hope  Solms-laubachia albiflora (T.Anderson) D.A.German & Al-Shehbaz  (according to POWO and Catalogue of Life  (Phaeonychium albiflorum according to WFO), formerly Ermania albiflora (T. Anders.) Jafri

Thanks, …, for id as Solms-laubachia albiflora.
Does it match with GBIF specimens- one and two ?

Herbarium sheets are not clear, at least leaves match.

A reply from JIpei Yue:
“This is Stevenia canescens (DC.) D.A. German, and previously as Alyssum canescens DC.”

ID help please – possible crucifer family?? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Location : Zara Valley, Ladakh
Elevation : 5000m.
Date : 3 August 2020
Habit : Dry rock slope

Aphragmus oxycarpus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Jafri ??

Thanks, …, for id.
To me also appears close to Aphragmus oxycarpus as per details herein.

I am having doubts of this being Aphragmus oxycarpus.

Stevenia canescens (DC.) D.A.German Syn : Ptilotrichum canescens (DC.) C.A.Mey. , Alyssum canescens DC.

Yes, matches with images at

Yes, it is Psilotrichum canenscens

Do you mean to say Ptilotrichum canescens (DC.) C.A.Mey.??




POWO specimen- one and two  Catalogue of Life (Alyssum canescens DC.)  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration Pan India Bouquets  India Biodiversity Portal  Butbn  Wikimedia Commons