Pulicaria angustifolia DC., Prodr. 5: 479 (1836) (syn: Callistephus concolor Dalzell ; Poloa dalzellii Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke ; Pulicaria indica Jaub. & Spach ; Pulicaria saxicola Edgew. ; Pulicaria stocksii Boiss.);
Pakistan to India as per POWO;
India: On sandy soil, dry river beds, open grounds and grazed pastures. Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Karnataka; very rare; Pakistan as per BSI Flora of India;
Request for Identification of Compositae maybe Jacobaea: 2 high res. images.
Plant: Mountainous meadows Herb,
I request your help in identification of this compositae, is this Jacobaea aquatica?https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobaea_aquatica
Jacobaea erratica (Bertol.) Fourr.
Both are not found in India.
Elevation, location, date? and leaf images ?
Pulicaria angustifolia DC. ??
Thank you for your response, it seems to be Pulicaria angustifolia DC.
Location Shyadri hills Talegaon Dabhade
Alltitute: 800 meters hilly slope
Leaves : I don’t have
I think it looks different as per
But in that case our earlier identifications of this species (https://efloraofindia.com/2023/08/10/pulicaria-angustifolia/) are wrong.
I guess so !
POWO Catalogue of Life GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India Flora of peninsular India IBIS Flora