Parasenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Y. L. Chen, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77: 59 (1999) (syn: Cacalia pentaloba Hand.-Mazz.; Cacalia quinqueloba (Wall. ex DC.) Kitam. ; Koyamacalia quinqueloba (Wall. ex DC.) H.Rob. & Brettell ; Parasenecio pentalobus (Hand.-Mazz.) R.C.Srivast. & C.JeffreyPrenanthes quinqueloba Wall. ex DC. ; Senecio bhutanicus N.P.Balakr.Senecio duthiei M.A.Rau ; Senecio himalaensis S.K.MukerjeeSenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Senecio vitifolius Weib.);
Himalaya to China (SW. Sichuan, NW. Yunnan) and N. Myanmar: China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO;

Similar to P. palmatisectus, but usually bulbilliferous in axlis of upper leaves and inflorescence; stem to 90cm; leaves simple, broadly ovate to triangular, blade (2.5-)-8(13) x (2.5-)-6-10(-15)cm, acuminate, base truncate to deeply cordate, entire or shallowly (very rarely deeply) palmately 3-5-lobed, margins dentate, sometimes glabrous above; inflorescence spicate or narrowly paniculate, more congested, bulbils usually replacing most capiluta; phyllaries glabrous; achenes not maturing.
Fl. August-September
Damp hollows amongst shrubs
(Attributions: A.J.C Grierson & D.G.Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RGoB and RBGE. 2001 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

addition to efI: 5 images.
please check the attached images of Parasenecio quinquelobus, not yet been posted in eFI.
Captured -Madhmaheshwar Valley Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand
ID: D.S Rawat, Ashutosh Sharma, Sunit Singh

VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0142 :: lax-raceme herb at Valley of Flowers:
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 11000 – 12000 ft
Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: sub erect herb, about 1 m high; flower about 3 – 4 mm across

A raceme is a raceme if the flowers on the raceme are not sessile but stalked. If the flowers are sessile then it is called Spike, like the case above.

Chenopodium album,

I think closer to Lactuca brunoniana as per images and details herein.

Identified as Parasenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Y.L.Chen

Many thanks to Ashutosh Sharma ji and Tabish for suggesting the ID … facebook.


Habitat: along forest trail on mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 70 -80 cm high; flower about 2 – 3 mm across

Parasenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Y.L.Chen as per VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0142 :: lax-raceme herb at Valley of Flowers and VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0305 :: another plant with terminal lax raceme at Valley of Flowers

VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0305 :: another plant with terminal lax raceme at Valley of Flowers:
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 9900 ft

Habitat: along forest trail on mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 1 m high; flower about 2 – 3 mm across

Another interesting elusive plant.

I think Lactuca brunoniana as per images and details herein. 

Identified as Parasenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Y.L.Chen
Many thanks to Ashutosh Sharma ji and Tabish for suggesting the ID … facebook.


please identify the another herb from valley of flowers. : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 Mb each.
please identify the another herb from valley of flowers.





I am supplementing the post with more images of what I think is same plant, recorded from VoF…
It was resolved to be from Asteraceae when I had posted on group, and further id could not be established..

It may be some species of Prenanthus (Asteraceae).


VOF Week: Herb for id from Valley of Flowers:
This one is I think similar observation as … have uploaded….yet to be resolved.. I am uploading mine pics.. hope to get ideas..

Yes …, all aspects are ditto.

Perhaps an example of (if it turns out true) how better and well illustrated photographs help in identification.

I hope Prenanthes violaefolia.
My herbarium from Kashmir

… would like to know what are two structures that we see.
Am I mistaking the pinkish to be flowers, and the green to be fruits ?

Green is the flower bud. The pink ones are bracts.

On further consideration I think there is some thing wrong with the above identification, as also identification of my Herbarium specimen from Kashmir. The leaves are different from true Prenanthes violaefolia (now Cicerbita violaefolia).
The search is still on for true ID

Yes, … On seeing Prenanthes violaefolia at FOI, I got the feeling it could not be ID of this plant.

If the buds are Ok, it may be Prenanthes brunoniana as the leaves are highly variable & match with the leaves posted by Ashwini ji on 8.10.16 in another thread.

This is Parasenecio quinquelobus. Frank Smythe too collected it from Valley of Flowers in 1937.


Sharing these pics from valley of flowers.. please help to id..
as the flowers are not open, seems difficult to reach to any conclusion..
early feedback was Prenanthes violaefolia ..
please share your opinion..

Prenanthes species in efi   

If the buds are Ok, it may be Prenanthes brunoniana as the leaves are highly variable & match with the leaves posted by … on 8.10.16 in another thread.

Parasenecio quinquelobus (Wall. ex DC.) Y.L.Chen as per VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0142 :: lax-raceme herb at Valley of Flowers and VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0305 :: another plant with terminal lax raceme at Valley of Flowers



POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Flora Online  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)