Memecylon kollimalayanum M.B.Viswan., Nordic J. Bot. 21(3): 253 (2001) 2001. ?; . Tree for id 190110MK1 : 11 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5) Kindly id this common medium sized tree found in mixed deciduous forests. I have no clue on flowers and fruits. I suspect the tree is closer to Eugenia Genus or Memecylon Genus. Locally called ‘Asarai’ in Satyamangalam area. Location: bank of river Moyar, Nilgiri Dist., Date: 09 Jan 2010 p.s: sorry for the poor photographs I have attached the flower pictures of the small tree. Kindly id. Attachments (7) Could be a Memecylon species Most probably Memecylon grande. I think K.M.Matthew (in Fl. TN Carnatic) has given a note on this white-flowered species/form. pl check it up and tell us the confirmed id. White flowers are reported in plants growing in shade. [K.M. Mathew in Excursion Flora of TN] This appears to be Memecylon grande, but the inflorescence is too short. You can see the type specimen in This small tree have fascicle of inflorescence. I think … had already identifies the plant correctly it’s in deed Memecylon grande. It is quite interesting material. Similar to Memecylon kollimalayanam from eastern ghats of India – Kollimala I guess correct ID Memecylon kollimalayanum ! |
Memecylon kollimalayanum ?
Updated on December 24, 2024