Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze , Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 19 1898 (syn. Hibiscus ochroleucus Baker; Hibiscus parkeri Baker; Hibiscus solandra L’Hér.; Laguna lobata (Murray) Willd.; Solandra lobata Murray); . Lobed Leaf Mallow • Marathi: Lahan Jaswand • Telugu: Atakanara; . Annual herb with up to 5 cm long leaves, lower unlobed, upper 3-5-fid to partite; stipules linear 2-4 mm long; flowers solitary or in racemes by reduction of leaves; epicalyx represented by minute teeth or absent; corolla 2 cm across, white-pale yellow; capsule 1 cm long, ovoid or oblong, beaked. . Hibiscus lobatus – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 6 images. On 21/11/09 in Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P. There is nothing like beauty of white flowers!!! Mallow for ID : 311210 : AK-2: Taken at Dambulla, Sri Lanka growing wild on the 16th of november, 2010. Malvaceae Week: Hibiscus lobatus from Morni Hills Haryana: Nice series of photographs, … Yes leaves are highly variable Malvaceae Week: Hibiscus lobatus from Delhi: Hibiscus lobatus (J.A. Murray) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. (32): 19. 1898 syn: Solandra lobata J. A. Murray; Hibiscus solandra L’, Herit. Annual herb with up to 5 cm long leaves, lower unlobed, upper 3-5-fid to partite; stipules linear 2-4 mm long; flowers solitary or in racemes by reduction of leaves; epicalyx represented by minute teeth or absent; corolla 2 cm across, white-pale yellow; capsule 1 cm long, ovoid or oblong, beaked. Photographed from Delhi Ridge Nisarga Dhama, Kushalnagar, Coorg 04 Sep 2011 Malvaceae week- Hibiscus lobatus from Panipat: Malvaceae– this is a wild herb in our area. Id this herb pz..: sorry for low picture quality, having only one snap of this plant. Id is needed to my frenz. Location– Pune August 2012 It may be Hibiscus lobatus. Yes … Hibiscus lobatus… Hibiscus lobatus at Ken Gharial Sanctuary FOR VALIDATION :: 15 SEP 13 :: DV : 2 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Ken Gharial Sanctuary … about 500 – 1800 ft asl Date / Time: 15 SEP 13 at 11:18 AM … Altitude: about 587 ft asl Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze … (family: Malvaceae) Dear friends, please validate this ID. I saw this same plant in Jodhpur and came to the same conclusion about the id. Many thanks … It occurred to me when I saw the telltale faint grey lines on the pur white petals. Hibiscus solandra L’, Herit., : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Hibiscus solandra L’, Herit.,(Malvaceae) Correct name now H. lobatus (Murray) Kuntze Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Hibiscus :: ARKNOV-40 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5). Yes ma’am. Hibiscus lobatus. It lacks an epicalyx unlike all other Hibiscus sp. Thanks … for confirming and also specifying the distinguishing character… Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze SN Dec 12 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Malvaceae herb for identification :: 270115 :: MK010 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Please help me to identify this Malvaceae herb. I have seen this along agricultural fences and also on forest edges. Leaf: trilobate; 8 cm long Date: 12 Nov 2014 Location: suburbs of Theni town, TN Alt.: 300 m asl Should be Hibiscus lobatus … Malvaceae Fortnight :: Hibiscus lobatus :: Wai :: PKAJUL11 :: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Hibiscus lobatus. again a good one Malvaceae Fortnight: Hibiscus lobatus from Delhi-GSJULY31/31 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Hibiscus lobatus (J.A. Murray) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. (32): 19. 1898 syn: Solandra lobata J. A. Murray; Hibiscus solandra L’, Herit. Annual herb with up to 5 cm long leaves, lower unlobed, upper 3-5-fid to partite; stipules linear 2-4 mm long; flowers solitary or in racemes by reduction of leaves; epicalyx represented by minute teeth or absent; corolla 2 cm across, white-pale yellow; capsule 1 cm long, ovoid or oblong, beaked. Photographed from Delhi Ridge Malvaceae Fortnight:: Hibiscus Lobatus from Satara- NSJ-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Malvaceae fortnight :: Hibiscus lobatus : Pune SMP10 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. Hibiscus lobatus Pune Thanks, …, for uploading your wonderful treasures. Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 30 :: Hibiscus lobatus from Panipat & Morni: NS August 15/15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Hibiscus lobatus Malvaceae fortnight :: Pavonia zeylanica : Pune SMP13 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images. Does not matches with images at Pavonia zeylanica (L.) Cav. Appears close to images at /species/m—z/m/malvaceae/hibiscus/hibiscus-lobatus Hibiscus lobatus : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Hibiscus lobatus possibly, This was seen growing on the road that passes thru Chinnar WLS, Kerala. Chinnar straddles the Nilgiris and falls in the rain shadow area of the Western Ghats I think the ID is correct. Hibiscus talbotii for confirmation : 10 posts by 4 authors. 5 images. Could this be Hibiscus talbotii? Observed in June 2017 at Bandipur Tiger Reserve, Karnataka. at ~700msl I did not observe the ventral side of the midrib to look for a gland, but peduncles are articulated. Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze?? Thanks for your response … I believe Hibiscus lobatus does not have epicalyx. Here in individual seems to have a distinct epicalyx. I too had thought similar to that of …, but I am not confident. In the posted pictures, I think there are mix of buds and fruits. The conspicuous green structure in foreground of second pic, could be the fruit surrounded by sepals, and one behind – with hint of white, held in sepals, could be bud in blooming. I could be wrong. Thanks, …, for the id. To me also appears close to images at Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze Thanks … for the discussion. I hope you agree with the id. Please let us know, if any different ID is deduced.
Plant for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups Flower for id pl. Is this Hibiscus lobatus ? Unfortunately forgot to click leaves. Location – Sirsi ( North Karnataka) Date – September 2019 Other than being a small plant, small flower, early leaves unlobed, later three lobed……. absence of epicalyx is the key to ID. so until you meet this plant again. photograph it a bit more. that’s it, …, sorry. Thanks … Yes, I thought so. It will be difficult to id it without leaves details and I forgot to click the leaves in a hurry. that’s ok. we all do that esp. when there is family or friends rushing to go see something or go eat!!! Based on comparative images at Hibiscus, Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze is possible as per images and details herein. Looks different from another closer species of Hibiscus micranthus L.f. as per images and details herein. Hibiscus lobatus :: Iruppu Falls, Coorg :: 12 NOV 19 : 15 posts by 6 authors. 4 images. Iruppu Falls Coorg Date: November 12, 2019 … Altitude range: about 850 – 1,000 m (2,800 – 3,300 ft) asl Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze flower looks like the example in FOI but photo and id by the same person. i thought one needs to see the leaves too Thanks, … I am quite sure of this ID. Pavonia spp. flowers do look like those of Hibiscus lobatus, BUT the buds, calyx, epicalyx differ. Leaves of the posted plant are relatively distant from the blooming flower. I will not dare to get into middle of those plants for sake of leaves – paranoid of leeches. stay away from leaches. i do. mosquitoes too Agree with … A common plant in Coorg & Mysore districts occuring in wastelands. … has a case. flower petal markings are similar. petal shape may be not fully discernible, because flower in that pic from … is not fully open. (on this page of our website: … case is the earliest, and hence on top of the page.) but he does show the leaves i was expecting. This flower is not Hibiscus lobatus, … Flower in its first glance made me think. I checked my collection and then I say … Shape of petal, calyx (or epicalyx), anther column, and fruit much longer than calyx / epicalyx …all say it is not H. lobatus. Stigma not long-trifid goes against Hibiscus hirtus. Similarly I can rule out H. obtusilobus, since I am familiar with the species. Flower looks much closer to Pavonia zeylanica once I had in Surat, sadly not seen a single plant for last 3 years … A Pavonia sp. wd be my guess. I am not sure but looks more close to H. lobatus. OK … We will wait for comments. Images match with Hibiscus lobatus and not Pavonia zeylanica that’s true. its not any of the Pavonias i have seen Thank you very much … for validation. …, I am sure my plant is Hibiscus lobatus. Pavonia zeylanica has those tell-tale sepal-like bracts, filament-like, hairy … can be seen in any of the posts in eFI or at FoI.
Date & time: September 8, 2012 at 3.05pm Habitat: semi-evergreen forest Habit: herb about 20 – 25 cm high, flower 8 – 10 mm across … the flower looks like a miniature version of Hibiscus lobatus; the plant does not seem to be of stunted growth. The top photo is cropped from original size. Yes, as per Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze . Identification Request ?: 3 images. Habit: Herb Height: 1-2 ft Loc- Bundi Rajasthan Date- 10/8/2020 Hibiscus lobatus . Malvaceae for ID : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 22SEP21 : AK – 032: 2 images. A very tiny flower seen at the base of Borgad. The closest I can come to is Hibiscus lobatus. Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze . SD168 plant ID help: 2 images. Lobed leaf Mallow? Hibiscus lobatus Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze . Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze: 6 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 649m. Date: 27 August 2021 Habit : Wild . 390 ID wild plant: 14 high res. images. It might be Hibiscus lobatus, Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze Yes, as per image at . Malvaceae: Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze: 1 high res. image. . Need ID. Which Malvaceae?: 2 images. Itarsi, black soil Sept 2024 Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) Kuntze . References: |
Hibiscus lobatus
Updated on December 24, 2024