Pavetta travancorica Bremek., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 37: 81 1934. (Syn: Pavetta bourdillonii Sivad. & N.Mohanan; Pavetta concanica Bremek.; Pavetta laeta Bremek.);

by Mohina Macker (Id by Hemson (H.S.)) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links)



Flowering shoots consisting of several internodes…. P. indica
Flowering shoots consisting of a single internode…   P. concanica

pavetta indicapavetta indica i hope 
it was growing wild along a road in goa in complete profusion of flowers

There is a species Pavetta concanensis,,, pls also check with that..

Flowering shoots consisting of several internodes…. P. indica
Flowering shoots consisting of a single internode…   P. concanica

sorry its not P. concanensis.. its P. concanica
Pavetta concanica Bremek. in Fedde, Reprt. 37: 81, 1934.

Many thanks for your help in identifying this.
Attaching another image of Pavetta concanica

I wonder if this will help.
the flowering shoots  can be seen clearly though sans flowers

Pavetta concanica
is now a synonym of Pavetta travancorica Bremek of Rubiaceae family.
