Campanula rapunculus L. (Syn: Campanula hyrcania Wettst.; Campanula lambertiana A.DC.; Campanula rapunculus var. lambertiana (A.DC.) Boiss.; Campanula rapunculus f. lambertiana (A.DC.) Voss; Campanula rapunculus f. spiciformis (Boiss.) Voss; Campanula rapunculus var. spiciformis Boiss.; Neocodon lambertianus (A.DC.) Kolak. & Serdyuk.);

Plant for ID :: Rome :: EU-ARKOCT54 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Saw these pretty flowers in Rome by the roadside in May 2016.
Requested to please provide ID.

Sorry can’t help…

Campanula, not sure of the species.

A suggestion of Facebook mentioned these flowers as Campanula patula.
Would really appreciate experts’ opinion.

Campanula rapunculus L.  ??

more like Campanula patula

I thought different.

Yes, appears more close to images of Campanula rapunculus at

Yes, … matches description at MoBot. I also love the connection to Rapunzel and that her father ate the roots of this plant and created the basis of the much loved fairy tale