Acalypha fruticosa Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 161 1775. (syn. Ricinocarpus fruticosus (Forssk.) Kuntze);
chinee mara, perim-munja, siru sinni, cinni, kittik-kilanku, cinnaku;

Erect profusely branched shrubs. Leaves 2-5 x 1-3 cm, ovate, base truncate or subcordate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acuminate, hairy on both sides, aromatic, glandular below, glands orange; petiole to 3 cm long. Spikes short, axillary, solitary, androgynous, to 2 cm long. Tepals tomentose, with sessile glands outside. Stamens many; anthers sub-globose to oblong. Female flowers below, sessile; bracts reniform, margin dentate; ovary to 0.5 mm across; styles many. Capsules trilobed.
Flowering and fruiting: July-August
Dry deciduous forests and wastelands

Acalypha fruticosa is a species in the botanical family Euphorbiaceae. It occurs widely in East and southern Africa where it is eaten as a vegetable. It is also an important browse plant for sheep. In East Africa and southern Africa it is used as a medicinal plant. In northern Kenya arrow shafts and beehive lids are made from the stem. From the dried leaves a tea is made in Ethiopia.[1]
Acalypha fruticosa occurs in East and parts of southern Africa, except humid central Africa. It also occurs in tropical Arabia, southern India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.[2]
(From Wikipedia on 4.7.13)

Please id this common shrub of Euphorbiaceae.


28-06-2010 / 11:00 AM

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-

Satyamangalam RF;ca. 400msl; TN

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-

Scrub forest

Plant Habit-

Unarmed shrub


Up to 2 metre

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-

serrate margin; 6 x 0.7cm; white pubescent

Inflorescence Type/ Size-

axillary catkins

Acalypha fruticosa?????

I think Acalypha capitata

Yes, it is Acalypha fruticosa (Sinni, Siru sinni in Tamil).

Thank you very much all, for the identification.


Acalypha fruticosa : Attachments (4).  4 posts by 2 authors.
On 31/10/09 at Herbal Garden, on the outskirts of Hyderabad, A.P.
I think it’s cultivated for its medicinal properties.

Acalypha fruticosa is a medicinal plant

Yes, it looks like Acalypha fruticosa.


Goa, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this potted plant :: 24JUN14 :: ARK-45 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).
Requesting to please ID this potted plant from a cultivated garden in Aguada, Goa in May 2014.

Acalypha fruticosa, perhaps.

Thanks … for the ID…


Acalypha for ID :: Mumbai :: ARKMAR-02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
Saw this plant at a friend’s place in Mumbai in July 2015. Is this Acalypha fruticosa?

Yes, this is Acalypha fruticosa Forssk.


Euphorbiaceae: Acalypha fruticosa Forssk.: 1 image.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997