Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 486 1891. (Syn: Calophanes dalzellii T.Anderson ex Bedd.; Calophanes vagans Wight; Dipteracanthus vagans Benth. ex T.Anderson);

Dyschoriste vagans (Wt.) Kuntze : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Dyschoriste vagans (Wt.) Kuntze, Fam: Acanthaceae
Herb, Talakona, Chithoor DT, Andhra Pradesh
Wild, 02/03/2011


Acanthaceae sp for ID- 21022014- PKA-Feb46 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)
Seen this creeping herb, Stems are prostrate in Chikmagalur region en-route Mulayanagiri (Karnataka).
To me it looks like some Dyschoriste sp. (Family: Acanthaceae).
Date/Time: 25-01-2014 / 10:30AM
Habitat: Wild

Could not wait for id to give my compliments for beautiful pics.. thanks

Dyschoriste  – some species in India & eFI with some keys

Dyschoriste vagans (Wt.) Kuntze


Seen this creeping herb, Stems are prostrate in Chikmagalur region en-route Mulayanagiri (Karnataka).
To me it looks like some Dyschoriste sp. (Family: Acanthaceae).
Date/Time: 25-01-2014 / 10:30AM

Dyschoriste species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Can anyone confirm if it is Dyschoriste vagans?

efi page on Dyschoriste vagans 


Requesting id 20111211 MYS 2:
Here is a Acanthaceae member from Bettadapura, Piriyapattana, Mysore seen on 11.12.2011

Dyschoriste species of Acanthaceae.

Appears like Dyschoriste vagans as per comparative images at Dyschoriste

Acanthaceae member for ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb.
Sending an acanthaceae member for I’d. Please help in finding the same. It looked like a Dyschoriste sp. but species is confusing.

Dychoristae vagans

Need help with ID of purple Acanth: 2 images.
Satpuras; sandy soil; 2/1/2022

Pl. check Lepidagathis (check spelling) and similar genera.

Dychoriste vagans

Sorry, correct ID is Haplanthodes verticellatus.

Haplanthodes verticillatus is different as per images and details herein.


Acanthaceae herb Id request: 4 high res. images.

Could you please help in Identification of Asystasia?
Decumbent herb, stem angular, nodes swollen, leaves ovate, oblong, base tapering, apex acuminate. Flowers axillary and terminal, calyx glandular, corolla 5-lobed, unequal, lower one with purple ting. Anthers 4. Fruit linear-oblong.
Nallamala forest deciduous forest
Kurnool dist.
Andhra Pradesh
Date: Jan 16 2023

Dyschoriste erecta (Burm.f.) Kuntze !

Dyschoriste vagans
Collected, diagnosed and preserved also from same place.

Yes, appears close to images at

Dyschoriste erecta (Burm.) Kuntze : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
attaching the images of
Plant name: Dyschoriste erecta (Burm.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 485. 1891.
Syn. : Dyschoriste depressa (L.) Nees
Ver.names: Erect snake herb (Eng.); adavi neelambaram అడవినీలంబరాలు (Tel.).
Family: Acanthaceae
Perennial slender herbs, 30-50 cm tall. Stems prostrate, angled. Leaves opposite; lamina elliptic-oblong, 5-8 × 2-3cm, entire, base acute, apex apiculate; sparsely hairy. Flowers light purple or lilac with darker stripes, 1.2-1.5 cm long, in 3-9 flowered axillary clusters. Calyx 6 mm long, teeth lanceolate, acute, glandular. Corolla tubular, inflated at upper part, pubescent out side, tube 3-4 cm long, limb 1.5 cm across, violet with darker lines inside. Stamens 4, inserted, unequal; anthers oblong, tailed at base. Ovary bilocular, ovules 4 per locule, style filiform, stigma simple.  Capsule 0.7-1 cm long.
Habitat & location: Rare. Found in rock crevices at hill side forests. 

Can it be Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) Kuntze as inflorescence does not appear to be fasicled as per keys in the book thumbnail in Flora of Peninsular India?

Yes, it is.

thank you, yes it is Dyschroste erecta, for the glandular nature, I have corrected in my collection.

Did you mean to say Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) Kuntze instead of Dyschroste erecta ?

Images are also glandular at Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) Kuntze
Can it be Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) Kuntze as inflorescence does not appear to be fasicled as per keys in the book thumbnail in Flora of Peninsular India?
Or is there any other key?

I agree it as D.vagans only, earlier I have referred some other book, but now I am correcting with Kew notes only



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