
A taxonomic revision of the genus Eriolaena (Malvaceae) in India– Chandramohan K., Mahesh Y., Rambabu K. & E. Kiran- Annals of Plant Sciences 9.1 (2020) pp. 36813692 (Abstract: A detailed work on genus Eriolaena archives all names published in a concise nomenclatural review. It is derived from the tribe Dombeya with specific limitations and under the generic delimitation. Detailed taxonomic information & descriptions of all taxa and photographs have been provided for easy identification.)

Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn. (India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sikkim, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life)


Eriolaena spectabilis (DC.) Planch. ex Mast. (Himalaya to China (C. & SE. Yunnan, S. Guizhou, NW. Guangxi): China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO)



BSI Flora of India with details & keys (Volume 3- 1993) (Distribution):
Eriolaena candollei Wallich (India: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka; Bhutan and Myanmar)
   var. hookeriana (India: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu)
   var. viridis Haines (India: Orissa)
Eriolaena lushingtonii Dunn (India: In open slopes of moist deciduous forests between 350 and 900 m, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
Eriolaena quinquelocularis (Wight & Arn.) Cleghorn (India: Bihar, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
Eriolaena spectabilis Planch. ex Masters (India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Manipur; Nepal and Bhutan)
Eriolaena wallichii DC. (India: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, West Bengal (Darjeeling) and Orissa; Nepal)
Eriolaeoa stocksii Hook. f . & Thomson ex Masters (India: Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu)


Wight & Arn.
Small TreeDry Evergreen to
Dry Deciduous Forests
Flora of Tamil
Nadu, VOL. I, 1983; Matthew, 1983; Masters, 1874
Dharmapuri, Nilgiri, Virudhu nagar, Salem, Theni, Tiruvanna malai, Viluppuram
Eriolaena lushingtonii DunnTreeDry
Evergreen to Dry Deciduous Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Virudhu nagar 
Eriolaena quinquelocularis (Wight &
Arn.) Wight
Evergreen to Dry Deciduous Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Nilgiri, Theni
Eriolaena stocksii Hook. f. & Thoms.TreeEastern
Ghats, Exposed Slopes
Vijaya Sankar, 2007
Tiruvanna malai 


Botanical nameSynonymsFamilyCommon name
Eriolaena quinquelocularis Microchlaena quinquelocularis Sterculiaceae Bothi


Eriolaena spectabilis Planch. ex Mast. (Himalaya (Punjab to Nepal))
Eriolaena wallichii DC. (Himalaya (Nepal, Bhutan))

Eriolaena candollei Wallich [?Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].



Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2003)- Details with keys


Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- Details-
Eriolaena wallichii DC.

Floristic Plants of the World By Rashtra Vardhana (2006)- Details-
Eriolaena quinquelocularis


Eriolaena : 1 post by 1 author.

I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Eriolaena (Pl. click).

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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