Dipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik., Hist. & Commentat. Acad. Elect. Sci. Theod.-Palat. 6: 431 (1790) (syn: Agraphis serotina (L.) Heynh. ; Dipcadi serotinum subsp. lividum Maire & Weiller ; Hyacinthus lividus Pers. ; Hyacinthus serotinus L. ; Lachenalia serotina (L.) Willd. ; Ornithogalum indoserotinum Karthik. & V.S.Kumar ; Scilla serotina (L.) Ker Gawl. ; Scilla sordida Salisb. ; Tricharis serotina (L.) Salisb. ; Uropetalon serotinum (L.) Ker Gawl. ; Zuccangnia serotina (L.) Dennst. ; Albuca minor Gled. ; Dipcadi fulvum var. pruinosum Maire & Weiller ; Dipcadi hysudricum (Edgew.) Baker ; Dipcadi serotinum var. pruinosum (Maire & Weiller) Maire ; Drimia polyphylla (Hook.f.) Ansari & Sundararagh. ; Hyacinthus monomotapensis Desf. ex Poir. ; Hyacinthus sulphureus Poir. ; Indurgia polyphylla (Hook.f.) Speta ; Thuranthos polyphyllus (Hook.f.) Speta ; Urginea coromandeliana Wight ; Urginea polyphylla Hook.f. ; Uropetalon bourgaei Nyman ; Uropetalon hysudricum Edgew.);
W. & S. Medit. to W. Central Italy, Arabian Peninsula, Himalaya to India: Algeria, Baleares, France, Gulf States, India, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, West Himalaya, Western Sahara, Yemen as per POWO;
Plant ID help: 3 images.
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https://efloraofindia.com/2011/02/26/dipcadi-montanum/ as per comparative images at https://efloraofindia.com/2011/02/26/dipcadi/
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