efi g site:
Now a days site is not opening,
They are trying to find out and resolve the issue.
From eFI wordpress site.
Oh. Ok
Worked for a couple of days and again had the same problem.
Yes, having intermittent problems.
It is totally not opening from a few days.
I am taking up with them.
It is working fine just now. Pl. check and report if there are any issues.
I think they may be working on this.
Still not working
Yes, intermittent problems and some thumbnails etc. not showing up.
“I have got the update from the Web Development team regarding your website. The theme which is used in creating the website has not updated for 3-4 years and also optimization was not done properly. In order to make it work properly we need to update the theme to the latest version first then we will optimize it.”
So I hope it will go well after some time.
Different format is coming up.
I have a mtg. with them on Monday at 10 am.
It is still not working.
It will take sometime.
Though the site appears disturbed until it is reconstructed, the pages are coming up including comparative images on google search except that the formatting is disturbed.
For Google search on say Rubus niveus. Pl. search with Rubus niveus + efloraofindia.
Please check from your end and let us know if still changes are required”
Pl. check and let us know.
Is it OK now?
Looks like it is functioning better with a new look.
Still too slow.
Yes, I also noticed and advised them.
Now I am finding it to be quite fast.
Sp. links not opening at all.
Which links?
Any links after opening genus page.
e.g,. I. arrecta or any following links of this (Indigofera) page.
Not working at all.
Yes, I think they are working on it
Now working.
Page is totally not open
I just checked it. It is opening.
Again troubling. Either not opening or Error 404.
Not opening at all.
Not good service like the earlier one I guess.
Working now.
Now. Error 404.
I just logged in. It is working at least now.
Today. Error 404.
Also note the timings. So that we can point them the timings also.
Is this that site is not working or some old links are not opening and giving this message?
Not opening at 1130am today.
Working now.
It was working just sometime back.
Working now.
Yes. But not reliable like the earlier arrangement.
Again 404.
Nothing can be done for those links not working now (as most of these are google site links).
M. alba, var. indica, M. macroura and M. serrata links not opening. Same 404.
Some of these were Google site links and will not work now as the full site has to be migrated again.
First page opens then none of any links opens.
Not aware at your time.
While opening Actephila link. Error 404.
Please share your experience if you are facing the same problem like me.
E.g., None of any sp. links of Phyllanthaceae opens.
Yes, possible.
In such a situation, it is better to learn to find out the species’ pages by browsing family wise from the home page.
I also noticed that some of the links are not opening, 404 error. I have some experience with websites and digital marketing. Please let me know if I can help in some way, to better understand and rectify the issue.
I understand that the website is in WordPress and the previous theme was not updated for a few years. After the update, some links seem to have problems. Is that right?
Thanks, Nancy ji.
Now I think L1 links are not working, while L2 links are working.
Options are there. I am trying sp. name with efi in Google but this is not
sp. links are open . This means it is not working at all and it is difficult and time consuming.
Yes, I understand.
I am facing a similar situation a lot as I generally refer to genus pages and then the species links.
Agree, … Earlier was much better.
It has become useless for me. Even after opening the genus page from google,
sp. links are not opening. I am wondering if I am the only one facing this problem ?
I noticed that the link from the website goes to https://efloraofindia.com/2021/05/02/benkara-fasciculata/ – the URL has the date, month, and year. This link is not working. Gives a 404 error.
Whereas, if you search for the same in Google using the keyword ‘benkara fasciculata efloraofindia’, it goes to the page https://efloraofindia.com/efi/benkara-fasciculata/, where the URL has /efi/ and NOT the date, month, or year.
The URL format changed when the WordPress theme was updated. Is this something the team who did the update can look into? WordPress support is also excellent. They will be able to help out. Please let me know if I can help in some way.
Yes, pl. help if possible.
From where ever you go, it will be the same thing.
They are saying that in the updated theme, as posts has been converted into Articles, the old URLs can not be restored.
Pl. check now.
Pl. confirm or otherwise.
Now working . Hope it will continue like this. By the way, how did they do it ?
Our contact person at Ladybird Web says that she saved some Settings yesterday, that control the URLs. And now all URLs that had this structure, https://efloraofindia.com/2021/05/02/benkara-fasciculata/ are getting redirected to https://efloraofindia.com/efi/benkara-fasciculata/.
The previous URLs were for Posts on WordPress and now all the pages are made into Articles. Hence the URL structure is different. This, according to her, was mandatory when we updated the WordPress theme.
Speed is still a problem, but all the links seem to be working now, except for some external links. We cannot help that, since those website pages do not exist.
Thank you Nancy for solving this problem. I hope this will run smoothly in future.
efi is very slow, not like before.
… is following up constantly with the team for a meeting. They have not given a time yet.
Unfortunately, only they can solve the speed issue since it is either a hosting or a plugin problem.
Yes, I understand Nancy.