• Nymphaea x khurooi

    Nymphaea × khurooi Sardesai & Nandikar, Phytptaxa 461 (3): 219–221, 2020 (syn: Nymphaea alba L. × Nymphaea odorata Aiton) Common name: Meghalaya Red Water Lily Nymphaea x khurooi : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Nymphaea × khurooi Sardesai & Nandikar a beautiful waterlily named after Anzar Khuroo! Photographed…

  • Aloe brevifolia (Cultivated- USA)

    Aloe brevifolia Mill. (syn: Aloe brevifolia var. postgenita (Schult. & Schult.f.) Baker; Aloe brevioribus Mill.; Aloe perfoliata var. depressa Aiton; Aloe postgenita Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe prolifera Haw.; Aloe prolifera var. major Salm-Dyck);    Cape Provinces; France as per Catalogue of Life;   Aloe brevifolia from University of California Botanical Garden-GS10102020-1…

  • Curcuma elata

    Curcuma elata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 25 1820.; Indo-China; Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;   MS April, 2016/16 Zingiberaceae for ID : 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) Location : Lengpui, Mizoram Date : 12/04/2016Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild This is a species of Curcuma. Please check a…

  • Agave angustifolia ?

    Agave angustifolia ?; . Is it Agave : 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)  Request for I’d of plant from Bilaspur. Is it Agave? Photographed today morning (1.10.20). Attachments (1)  Agave species. Agave parryi ???  avariety…… Not sure…. Only a suggestion to check It is either Agave angustifolia Haw.  or Agave sisalana…

  • Antidesma keralense

    Antidesma keralense Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 24: 23 2000. (syn: India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) as per POWO; Shrubs, ca 3 m high, entirely glabrous; branchlets greyish or pale brownish, terete, 2-4 mm thick. Leaves alternate, 7-13 x 2.5 – 5 cm, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, acute or sometimes…

  • Actinodaphne species- Binsar WS near Almora, Uttarakhand

      small tree for id mm1 30012012:  small tree in binsar wildlife sanctuary near almora, uttarakhand. 8000 ft altitude it has white flowers, which were not in bloom as yet. an identification would be very appreciated I forgot to add that it is caled tirnia locally Persea (Machilus) odoratissima probably…

  • The Forest Department’s Plan for One of the World’s Largest Urban Forests Is Baffling

    The Forest Department’s Plan for One of the World’s Largest Urban Forests Is Baffling : 2 posts by 2 authors. Wrote this piece recently. Thought I’d share with you. https://science.thewire.in/environment/delhi-forest-department-central-ridge-reserve-forest-tree-planting-native-species-restoration/ Thanks, …, for the wonderfully written piece highlighting the pathetic condition. This must be written as article in a journal…

  • Resolved- Non appearance and deletion of posts in Google groups

    Some messages getting mysteriously deleted : 6 posts by 4 authors. Some of the messages in our posts are getting mysteriously deleted. This has been reported by Aarti ji and Somil ji. I also found similar instances of deletion of my messages. Generally only the poster himself has got the power to…

  • There is no dearth of work at efloraofindia

    There is no dearth of work at efloraofindia : 12 posts by 1 author. During my deep involvement in efloraofindia, I find that there is no dearth of work. For the past so many years, our activities have stabilized in the sense of no. of topics and messages. However, I…

  • Saxifraga cinerea

    Saxifraga cinerea H. Sm., Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 2: 128 1958.; . Nepal as per Catalogue of Life; .   BK0030-Oct-03-2020 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- 869 kb. Saxifragaceae…. Location: Trans- Himalayas, Central Nepal, on the way to Manang Elevation: 3000-3600m asl Date: November 2017 Side view…Vegetative Attachments (1)- 894 kb. Saxifraga sibirica….

  • Pedicularis bifida ?

    Pedicularis bifida ?;     White flower Peduicularis : 11 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. This is a different Pedicularis found in the same location as the previous email – south facing slope, elevation 2300m, a grassy wet area. It was a very small plant about 5 to 6 cm tall….

  • Henckelia species- E.Lungdar, Mizoram

        MS Aug., 2920/03 Henckelia sp. for id : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb.  Location: E.Lungdar, Mizoram Date : 26-08-2020 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Henckelia pumila ! Thanks, … But calyx does not look hairy as in Henckelia pumila (D.Don) A.Dietr. Hi, …,…

  • Henckelia species- Thorangtlang, Mizoram

        Herb for ID : Attachments (1). 11 posts by 4 authors. Date : 07-05-2011. Habitat : Wild. Habit : Herb. Location : Thorangtlang, Mizoram Its a species of Chirita might be Chirita arunachalensis. Is it any of the Chiritia (Gesneriaceae)??? It may be Chirita oblongifolia or Chirita dimidiata…

  • 116. Efloraofindia website updated up to 31st Sept.’20

    Efloraofindia website updated up to 31st Sept.’20- more than 13,000 species : It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 3,60,500 messages so far & membership…

  • Pedicularis denudata

    Pedicularis denudata Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 309 1884.; East Himalaya as per POWO; Sikkim, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;   Inclusion of Pedicularis denudata in eFI : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- Rediscovery of Pedicularis denudata (Orobanchaceae), a little known, rare herb after 135 years from India.pdf…

  • Madhuca diplostemon

    Critically endangered. Madhuca diplostemon (C.B.Clarke) P.Royen, Blumea 10: 78 1960. (syn: Diospyros obovata Wight; Isonandra diplostemon C.B.Clarke); Distribution: Kollam, Kerala   Rediscovery of Madhuca diplostemon after a hiatus of 184 years : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) – Rediscovery of Madhuca diplostemon.pdf- 1 mb. Please find attached research article…

  • Rhynchoglossum lazulinum

    Rhynchoglossum lazulinum A.S.Rao & J.Joseph, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 9: 280 1968.;   Common name: Arunachal Rhynchoglossum       Plant form Arunachal for ID : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors. Please help for the IDThe plant is recorded from the West Kamang Dist of Arunachal in the month of…

  • Clavulinopsis sulcata ?

    Clavulinopsis sulcata Overeem (syn: Clavaria miniata Berk.; Clavaria sulcata (Overeem) R.H. Petersen; Clavulinopsis miniata Corner; Clavulinopsis miniata var. rosacea Corner; Clavulinopsis miniata var. sanguinea Corner) ?;        SK 2758 20 September 2020 – Mycophyta : 17 posts by 3 authors. 2 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Khadka Gaun,…

  • List of species belonging to following families

    List of species belonging to following families: 2 posts by 1 author. Can you do me a favor?  Where can I get a list of species belonging to following families that are found in India:  1. Lauraceae 2. Salicaceae 3. Euphorbiaceae 4. Thymelaeaeae Also, I am looking for these plants…