About eFI website


Descriptio​ns/ pronunciat​ion/ etymology etc. are growing at efloraofin​dia site:

Descriptions/ pronunciation/ etymology etc. are growing in species’ pages at efloraofindia site (/home)- thanks mainly to the untiring efforts of … & … among others.
My salutes to both of them among others.

efi site page created- Colour scheme & formatting:

A new efi site page has been created as ‘Colour scheme & formatting’
This can be seen at: /colour-scheme-formatting
This has been created so that one may see the scheme while viewing any of the species pages.

Valley of flowers page recast on efi site:

Valley of flowers page has been recast on efi site & now have family wise checklist of 470 plants recorded by Satish Phadke ji under ‘List of Plants’:
May have a look.
Most of these 470 plant species already have individual pages on efi site with full details of discussions.

Kas page created on efi site:

A Kas page has been created on efi site based on feedback received from posts from …, other posters in Kas Week etc.
& can be seen at
Special thanks to … in the matter.

Checking Bot. names & author citations at efi site: While starting/ constructing efi site, I have given names to the species page as per the accepted names given in the Plant List.
I think there are lot of mistakes in this regard, which needs to be corrected.

I will do so as & when I add more inf. to a species page, provided time permits.
I have been doing so when ever there is a new discussion in this regard (Bot. names & proper author citation) at efi group & I find a mistake in efi site in that regard.
Singh ji has been raising such issues now & then.
It will certainly be a long drawn process.
I have a request to our members especially to our moderators that when ever they post any species or help it in Id etc., pl. have a look at efi site page & inform me or the group of any discrepancy.
This will go a long way in correcting the mistakes in efi site.

Trip reports posted on efi & different visits of our members are well organised as can be seen from
These are easily searchable & appear on search at efi site or through different searches like google search etc.
Members are encouraged to post such reports in future.

I have been checking these regularly. Thought of sharing these to efi on regular basis.
I have found these getting better with every passing day.
Results so far:
Queries: 1036,
Impressions: 50,000
Clicks: 2500
Impressions range from 1000 to 2000 per day in last one month.
These details as per link;
I don’t know whether others can see this link.
I also don’t understand as to what they exactly stand for as per Google Webmaster Tools.


Recent Miscellaneous topics re-organised at efi site:  

Recent Miscellaneous topics have been re-organised at efi site & can be seen at
These are searchable on efi site as well as through Google search etc.
In future such organisation will be followed at efi site for miscellaneous discussions/ topics.

8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- List of Families in eFI as on 1.9.15.docx

We have been following The Plant List 2013 in eFI and accordingly recognize families as per APG-III (adopted in TPL2013).
Today, while trying to see how many families we have in eFI, I found few families/ genera in the places which are not according to TPL2013. These are given below with their position as per TPL2013:
  1. Chenopodiaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, its genera (Arthrocnemum Salsola Suaeda) need to be shifted in Amaranthaceae.
  2. Cochlospermaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, genus Cochlospermum with all its species (Cochlospermum religiosum ? Cochlospermum religiosum Cochlospermum species Cochlospermum vitifolium ) need to be shifted to Bixaceae.
  3. Dipsacaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, the genus Dipsacus need to be shifted to Caprifoliaceae.
  4. Limnocharitaceae is not recognized as distinct family; therefore, genus Limnocharis need to be shifted to Alismataceae.
  5. Morinaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, genus Morina need to be shifted to Caprifoliaceae.
  6. Stackhousiaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, genus Stackhousia need to be shifted to Celastraceae.
  7. Valerianaceae is not recognized as a distinct family; therefore, genus Valeriana need to be shifted to Caprifoliaceae.
  8. Eutrema need to be shifted to Brassicaceae. 

These changes (except Eutrema) are essential only when we follow TPL2013.

One more suggestion:

Can we list all Angiosperm (Flowering plants) families on a single page in A-Z sequence to reach to families in single click rather than clicking few times?  It will be easier to reach to any family. Both systems can be kept here.

The entire list (copied from eFI) with links is a small word document of 17.6 KB. I am attaching it here.

If you feel it appropriate this mail of mine may be posted to efibest for the opinion of others.

Thanks, … Pl. see if it’s OK ?:

Thanks, …, for the painstaking efforts.
I have shifted the genera to families as detailed by you.

Thanks for accepting these minor changes. Can we make it a 3-column list; it will reduce the length of page? 
However, it is OK now to me.

Thanks, … This way we can insert new families which come up as there are no fixed columns.
In three columns approach, it will be difficult to insert new families.

Thanks, … I could do it what you wanted.
Pl. see if it’s all right:

please consider the following title and subtitle for the page:
Quick access links for families discussed on EFI.

Pl. click to access the genera and species discussed under each family.

I feel it would better suit the content available on the page instead of # Species- Seed plants (family & genera wise).

Thanks, … Pl. see if it’s all right now:


Yes it does, sir.

Yes it is certainly in better shape and working well.

Pl. see the automated ‘Subpage Listings’ at the following three pages:

If any new family is added, it will automatically be reflected here.
In view, I feel we can now delete the bottom portion at page # Species- Seed plants (family wise)

Yes … It is nice and comfortable to locate quickly. May be same can be applied for genera in different families.

The five column table is no more needed now, we have a better alternative.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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