Adenia hondala

Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) Wilde, Blumea 15: 265 1967. (Syn: Adenia palmata Engl.; Granadilla hondala Gaertn.; Modecca integrifolia Lam.; Modecca palmata Lam.; Modecca tuberosa Roxb.; Passiflora hondala (Gaertn.) Steud.);

S-India, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;
One of the most poisonous plants (Fruits are highly poisonous);



Please help me to identify this climber found in the rain forests of Valparai region. Could this be any Passiflora sp.? I have not observed any flowers in it.
Leaf: deeply-moderately lobed; 20x15cm; glabrous
Fruit: 5 x 4cm; orange coloured; split longitudinally; mucous inside
Locale: roadside; evergreen forest
Place: Valparai, TN

Alt.: 930m asl

This looks like Adenia hondala.

My photographs of Adenia hondala for comparison

Thanks …, my was also like this.

Adenia hondala :  Attachments (4).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Flowers of Adenia hondala
Local Marathi name: Nandan-bhopli
Today at kanakeshwar, Alibag






Adenia hondala of Passifloraceae, a rare climber :  Attachments (9). 8 posts by 8 authors.
Sharing various stages of flowering and fruiting of Adenia hondala.
Location: Kankeshwar (near Alibag)
Date/Time:06-04-2013/ 14:00 hrs

Bot. name: Adenia hondala
Syn: Modecca palmata

Family: Passifloraceae
Habitat: Evergreen forest.
Plant habit: Climber.

Local Marathi name: Nandan-bhopli
One can identify this climber by its characteristic woody stem very close to the base (Refer enclosed photograph : Adenia – Habitat_1946.jpg )

Wow what a woody stem!!

Excellent photographs of a different Passifloraceae member.

One of the most poisonous plants (Fruits are highly poisonous).

Climber for ID : 29062013 : RV 1 :  Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Please kindly Id this climber, saw in wild today at SGNP, Mumbai.

This looks like Adenia hondala. My photographs of this are available at this link

I too think that this could be Adenia hondala

Thanks … and … for identification,

Please identify this climber – NS050913 – 3 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 1 author.

At Shahapur. Unfortunately have no further information. Is it a species of Ipomea ? Don’t think this is Trichosanthes tricuspidata.

Could it be Adenia hondala ?

Have finally whittled it down to Adenia hondala.

My Flora Picture of the Year: Prashant Awale : Attachments (1). 12 posts by 11 authors.
Few years back when i had been to Phansad Wild Life Sanctuary, i spotted orange coloured fruits of a woody climber and i was told that the fruits are poisonous. I wanted to see the flowering of this climber but it was eluding me for long…
Finally during my visit to Kankeshwar (near Alibag) in April 2013, i saw the flowering of this rare climber.
Was fortunate to capture various stages of its flowering and fruiting. (Special thanks to … for helping me in spotting this climber at Kankeshwar).
Bot. name: Adenia hondala
Syn: Modecca palmata

Family: Passifloraceae
Habitat: Evergreen forest.
Plant habit: Climber.

Local Marathi name: Nandan-bhopli
One can identify this climber by its characteristic woody stem very close to the base.

Really a lovely find … thanks for showing nicely displayed photographs…

Very beautifully illustrated!

Great plant hunting! The fruits really look delicious, may be for other animals, not meant for the humans.

It is really a great pleasure when a long lasting desire to shoot a specific plant is fulfilled.

Thank you for sharing the picture and the story!

Oh I too remember meeting this plant !!
Nice pictures and collage, dear Prashant – very aptly the flora picture of the year !
Indeed thanks to … for showing this plant to us at Kanakeshwar.

Unique member of passion flower family !

Wonderful presentation & collage making. Simply mesmerising.

Nice pics and very strange name. What does hondala stand for?

also check this book

May be a Sri Lankan friend can tell us the actual meaning of the name.



ANMAR12/12 Adenia hondala : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (9)

Family: Passifloraceae
Date: 6th March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala
Habit: Liana


came across these globuse fruits in Phansad WLS (Maharashtra) during May-2008. Id Please..
(Its a creeper and was leafless when photographed..)

After seeing your pictures, I certainly was having a wonderful laugh. Thanks for posting- what varied wonderful things we are able to see through our interactions.

This could be raw passion fruit. There are two varieties of it one becomes purple when it ripens the other becomes yellow. However, if we
could see some leaves, I could be very sure.
Here is the link to passion fruit. The picture though is of a ripe fruit.

I think Passiflora edulis Sims is possible as per details herein and as per comparative images at Passiflora

i think i have identified this plant when i encountered it in some part of Maharastra. but right now not able to recollect. please allow me some time, i will check it from some older hardisks. i observed it when the fruits were not there. but looking at the habit, i am sure it is that same plant.

This is Adenia hondala.

Thanks, … Yes, appears so as per Adenia hondala

Yes … Adenia handola… thanks


via Species‎ > ‎A‎ > ‎ Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W. J. de Wilde … family: Passifloraceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
a-DEN-ee-uh — named after city of Aden (in Yemen)Dave’s BotanaryWikipedia
hon-DAL-ah — name of the plant hondala in SinhaleseNPGS / GRINcommonly known as: hondalaKannada: ಕಾಡು ತೊಂಡೆ kaadu tonde, ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಚೆಂಡು ಹಣ್ಣಿನ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kempu chendu hannina balliKonkani: भूमिकुंटी bhumikumtiMalayalam: കരിമുതുക്ക് karimutukk, മുതുക്ക് mutukkMarathi: कोंडळ kondala, नंदनभोपळी nandanbhopali, उंडळ undalaSanskrit: विदारी vidaribotanical names: Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W. J. de Wilde … synonyms: Granadilla hondala Gaertn. (basionym) • Adenia palmata (Lam.) Engl. • Modecca palmata Lam. … NPGS / GRIN
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed at Kanakeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 06 APR 13
Many thanks to … and … for the ID.

More views of the sighting: ………….

and, at another place in the sanctuary during the same day: ……………..

a-DEN-ee-uh — named after city of Aden (in Yemen) … Dave’s Botanary

 — derived from name of this plant hondala in Sinhala … Google Bookscommonly known ashondala • Kannada: ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಚೆಂಡು ಹಣ್ಣಿನ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kempu chendu hannina balli • Konkani: भूमिकुंटी bhumikumti • Malayalam: കരിമുതുക്ക് karimutukk, മുതുക്ക് mutukk, പാൽമുതുക്ക് palmutukk • Marathi: कोंडळ kondala, नंदनभोपळी nandanbhopali, उंडळ undala • Sanskrit: विदारी vidari • Telugu: మోదిఖ modikha • Tulu: ಈರೊಳ್ ಕಂಡೆ irolu kandebotanical namesAdenia hondala (Gaertn.) De Wilde … synonymsAdenia palmata (Lam.) Engl. • Granadilla hondala Gaertn. • Modecca integrifolia Lam. • Modecca palmata Lam. • Modecca tuberosa Roxb. • Passiflora hondala (Gaertn.) Steud. • Passiflora itondala Steud. … GBIF

Bibliography / etymology
    … the Sinhalese name for this plant; the epithet too is based on this name
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಕೆಮ್ಪು ಚೆಂಡು ಹಣ್ಣಿನ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kempu chendu hannina balli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
भूमिकुंटी bhumikumti
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കരിമുതുക്ക് karimutukk
  • Comment from Vinaya Raj V R at facebook
പാൽമുതുക്ക് palmutukk
  • Comment from Vinaya Raj V R at facebook
  • this name is more apt for Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. … comment from Vinaya Raj V R at facebook
or simply മുതുക്ക് mutukk
  • this name is more apt for Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. … comment from Vinaya Raj V R at facebook
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कोंडळ kondala
  • for Modecca trilobata Roxb. … synonym of Adenia trilobata (Roxb.) Engl. which is not recorded in Maharashtra … thus seems to incorrectly entered for some other species of Modecca that relates to Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) De Wilde. … A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
नंदनभोपळी nandanbhopali
उंडळ undala
  • for Modecca trilobata Roxb. … synonym of Adenia trilobata (Roxb.) Engl. which is not recorded in Maharashtra … thus seems to incorrectly entered for some other species of Modecca that relates to Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) De Wilde. … A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
विदारी vidari
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
మోదిఖ modikha
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಈರೊಳ್ ಕಂಡೆ irolu kande
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


433 ID wild climber: 18 high res. images.
Please ID wild climber,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 25MAR2023, 04.30pm
Habitat: wild moisture rocky shady misty sloppy hill, wind
Plant habit: climbing, branches, weak cylindrical hard stem 06mm diameter, tendrils, tuberous, perennial
Supporting tree: Xanthophyllum flavescens Height: 03 meters
Leaves: alternate, trifoliate, acute, smooth leathery, size upto:13×8cm
Flower: axillary spike inflorescence, diameter:02cm, greenish yellow, non fragrant
Fruit: berry green into orange, globular, glossy, glabrous, diameter:03.5cm, not edible; otherwise cause severe stomach ache and dysentery
Seed: black 5-6 nos., circular, compressed, rough irregular, diameter:09mm, thickness:02mm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Updated on December 24, 2024

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