Adiantum trapeziforme (Introduced)

Mexico to Central America, Cuba, Jamaica, SE. & S. Brazil: Belize, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua; Introduced: Fiji, Florida, India, Malaya, Marquesas, Sri Lanka as per POWO;


Fern for ID : 100811 : AK-3:
Taken at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik on 16/9/09.
An ornamental fern, potted plant.

Adiantum sp

may be Adiantum trapeziforme or Adiantum macrophyllum

Adiantum is the maidenhair fern genus.

Adiantum trapeziforme L.

Yes, the large leaf adaintum, called Kalo hansraj in Gujarati…
and just like th esmall leaf kalo hansraj, this adiantum  is also good for the hair…
Kwath made (tea for the english minded 🙂 ) from an handful of twigs and leaves will give the hair a shine like no other wash… and good for what ails it..

Ornamental For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 191213 : AK-20 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Seen at the Lalbagh Nursery on 24/11/13.
Cultivated, potted, ornamental plant.

If it is a cultivated plant, it is very likely Adiantum peruvianum

Thanks to you and … for resurfacing my post and a possible id.

It seems also unfortunate that a mere “possible ID” was apparently accepted for this extremely well known and widely cultivated species that has been published on many times in India!

This appears close to Adiantum trapeziforme L.

This is the South American Adiantum trapeziforme long and widely cultivated in Indian parks and gardens, as elsewhere world wide.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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