Adiantum venustum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 17 17 1825. (syn: Adiantum argutum C.Presl ex Ettingsh. ; Adiantum bonatianum Brause ; Adiantum bonatianum var. subaristatum Ching ; Adiantum breviserratum (Ching) Ching & Y.X.Lin ; Adiantum fimbriatum Christ ; Adiantum fimbriatum var. shensiense (Ching) Ching & Y.X.Lin ; Adiantum microphyllum Roxb. ; Adiantum smithianum (C.Chr.) Ching ; Adiantum smithianum var. shensiense Ching ; Adiantum venustum var. breviserratum Ching ; Adiantum venustum var. smithianum C.Chr. ; Adiantum venustum var. wuliangense Ching & Y.X.Lin);
Afghanistan to W. & Central China: Afghanistan, Assam, China North-Central, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Qinghai, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
. VoF Week : MN050912 Fern for ID: I hope Adiantum capillus-veneris The images which have been attached are of different types, isn’t ? but not A. capillus-veneris, clarification needed. … not this is not Adiantum capillus-veneris, but belongs to much better species, the higher Himalayan A. venustum agg. THIS IMAGE IS CERTAINLY NOT ADIANTUM CAPILLUS-VENERIS. IT IS ADIANTUM VENUSTUM (4x). COULD ALSO BE A TIBETICUM (OR A. VENUSTUM SUBSP. TIBETICUM Incidentally, it is usually easy to distinguish Adiantum venustum from A. tibeticum, which is why the latter as described as a species, not subspecies, which I personally prefer to maintain (as with other species in that group, like A. davidii etc.). Some previous confusion led to perceived difficulty in telling them apart. Since it is difficult to say with any amount of assurance to which species they belong to, unless the altitude and size of the fronds are mentioned, to guess (?) the name of the species even by experts of the stature of …, why have them as two species? As … says – there is nothing WRONG with deciding to lower them in rank – it is everyone’s choice as to what to do. However I believe the statement that it is difficult to identify them [and without knowing altitude] does not reflect reality. They are normally immediately and easily identifiable – as I mentioned before. This is why A. tibeticum was recognised as a species by Lin, You-Shin, who is a competent pteridologist and specialist in Adiantum – and it appears rather obviously sufficiently distinct to be more appropriately and practically ranked as a recognisable species. It was only that the two photos were inadequate that made these particular photos difficult to identify (and we still don’t know if the two were the same plant or not!). True, frond-size in a full-sized specimen is important, but nearly all the other diagnostic features have been ignored by that statement. Fwd: Adiantum venustum in cultivation in New York Botanical Garden? : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) I came across this fern growing in shady parts of the rockery of the New York Botanic Garden.
It is grown as Adiantum venustum. Is this correct? It seemed to be cultivated quite widely in the US (Northern states that is).
Excuse the poor quality photo but it might provide sufficient detail to be reliably named by the group’s fern expert.
As to other Adiantum spp., Stewart took a serious interest in ferns and covers these in his ‘An Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Pakistan & Kashmir’ – there have been major advances taxonomically and nomenclaturally in the past 50+ years since this was published (many
down to this group’s fern expert).
Stewart listed A.aethiopicum from Kurram Valley @ 1800m; A.capillus-veneris as the commonest and most widespread of the genus. He considered in the plains it was often found on the inner walls of wells and on the banks of watercourses, whilst Koelz found it at 3750m in Ladakh; A.incisum as common in the plains to 1500m; A.pedatum – common in Kishenganga valley @ 1800-2400m and in rich forest loam in Kashmir @ 2100-3000m; A.vensutum – in N.Pakistan & Kashmir @ 1800-2700m (occasionally to 3600m), one of the commonest ferns.
I wonder what the current thinking is about the genus? I see there are no images of A.pedatum on the site or has this name been relegated to a synonym? Yes, I reckon that is A. venustum – as opposed to the related A. tibeticum. It has the narrower segments and longer, narrower teeth characteristic of A. venustum sensu stricto. It should also develop a larger fronds with more segments than in A. tibeticum and is more of a woodland species. Both are grown commonly in N. American and British gardens.
. References:
Adiantum venustum
Updated on December 24, 2024