Adonis davidii Franch., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. II, 8: 188 1885 publ. 1886. (syn: Adonanthe brevistyla (Franch.) A. N. Sennikov; Adonanthe davidii (Franck.) A. N. Sennikov; Adonis brevistyla Franch.; Adonis delavayi Franch.; Chrysocyathus brevistylus (Franch.) J. Chrtek & Z.Slavikova; Chrysocyathus davidii (Franck.) J. Holub); ID of Anemone : 5 posts by 2 authors. Which species of anemone is this? Elevation: 2832. Locale: Bhutan – shady, wet, muddy mountain side by a small stream, and was discovered as a result of finding an amazing specimen of white Rhododendron, yet to be ID-ed (not grande). Date: 14 April 2017 It looks similar to Adonis brevistyla – native to Bhutan and the location in which this was captured I agree with you as per images at the following:
Adonis davidii
Updated on December 24, 2024