Alseodaphne owdenii R.Parker, Indian Forester 50: 365 1924.; NE-Assam, Bhutan, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life; Large trees, up to 30 m tall; branches pale, glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole ca. 0.5-1 cm long; lamina ca. 7-12 x 2-3.8 cm, lanceolate, attenuate at base, acute or bluntly acuminate at apex, entire, thinly coriaceous, glabrous, paler glaucous beneath; secondary nerves 4-7 pairs, arcuate, prominent. Panicles lax from beneath the crowded leaves; perianth segments ca. 0.2 cm, minutely puberulous, ovate, caducous in fruit; filaments puberulous, with 2 glands close to the base; staminodes cordate. Drupes ca. 0.25-1 cm long, blue-black when ripe, ellipsoid, green; fruiting pedicel thickened, ca. 1 cm. Flowering: May. Fruiting: August-September. Forested areas (Attributions- French Institute of Pondicherry as per India Biodiversity Portal) Request for Identifying a native tree species. : 11 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Could you anybody help me out to identify this plant ? I studied seed biology, germination, growth performance of this plant, and finally transferred to plantation site. But unfortunately could not include this plant on my thesis paper because of I could not identify the name of this plant. I added pictures of Leaves, fruits, branches, and seedling in the file section. By searching in internet, may be it any species of Alseodaphne genus. And please note, the mother trees were around 30 to 40 meter tall with large bole, and found these trees in a wildlife sanctuary in the south east part of Bangladesh where few tree species were planted by british colonial officials from different part of Asia. Yes, …, You may be right. Also check Litsea species like Litsea chartacea Hook.f. What are the species reported from Bangladesh ? The images is of genus Alseodaphne not Litsea. In Litsea the fruits seated on cupular, discopid or cup-shaped perianth tube. In Alseodaphne fruits are purplish black when mature, ovoid, oblong or subglobose; stalk red, green or yellow, nearly cylindric, fleshy, always warty, truncate at apex. It is very similar to Alseodaphne khasyana (Meisn.) Kosterm. You may further check with GBIF specimens, though it does not include a fruiting specimen. What are the Alseodaphne species reported from Bangladesh? I am not sure, but one paper from online is mentioning that only Alseeodaphne owdenii parker is recorded in Bangladesh. ( paper link file:///C:/Users/ajaha/Desktop/Training%20and%20work%20certificate/6695-Article%20Text-24230-1-10-20101220.pdf ) The picture of leaves of Alseeodphne owdenii parker from a herbarium photo in online is similar to my studied plant. But there are no picture of fruits and whole tree of Alseeodaphne owdenii in internate that I can check. what do you think about Alseodaphne bancana species ? The tree description information Alseodaphne bancana is an tree that can grow up to 40 metres tall. The bole can be up to 66cm in diameter. The tree is harvested from the wild for its wood, which is a source of ‘medang’ timber and is traded. and leave picture also similar to my studied plant pictures. But for this species also I can not have fruit pictures. I checked the type specimens of Alseodaphne owdenii R.Parker available at K. The images are matching. I am happy and so grateful to both of you. After long time I have got this specimens name with help of this group. I can not find k at species – seed plants (families) section to check. …, can give me them here or that file section link ? please I think … by K possibly meant at Kolkata herbarium. I could find two possibly correctly specimens at GBIF as below: The type images of Alseodaphne owdenii R.Parker are attached herewith |
Alseodaphne owdenii
Updated on December 23, 2024