Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw (syn: Anaphalis nubigena var. nubigena) as per GCC & The Plant List Ver. 1.1;
VOF Week: Anaphalis sp (U6) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib: Anaphalis sp (U6) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib. Possibly same as mine in the thread Tentively identified as Anaphalis nubigena. reference efi thread (A. nubigena DC. is synonym of A. nepalensis (Spreng.) Hand.-Mazz. in Karthikeyan et al. 2009.) It may be Anaphalis nubigena var. nubigena only as plants are having only one head on a stem. This is a syn. of Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per GCC (updated in 9/2011).
Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Anaphalis nubigena?? en-route Hemkund Sahib :: PKA41:: : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.Anaphalis nubigena?? —- en-route Hemkund Sahib. Is it a rock plant or weed. Keys at Anaphalis Earlier thread: VOF Week: Anaphalis sp (U6) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib: reference efi thread (A. nubigena DC. is synonym of A. nepalensis (Spreng.) Hand.-Mazz. in Karthikeyan et al. 2009.) It may be Anaphalis nubigena var. nubigena only as plants are having only one head on a stem. This is a syn. of Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per GCC (updated in 9/2011). Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala is a common ‘Pearly Everlasting’ of alpine zones in Uttarakhand. It usually grows above 3500m altitude and produce only one flower head on stem unlike A.triplinervis var. intermedia. Photographed above Kedarnath, 4500m altitude. Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (Asteraceae) is a common perennial in alpine zones of Uttarakhand. It may be seen in flowering up to October. This photograph depicts individuals half buried in freshly fallen snow during October. This snow may increase with frequent snowfalls gradually covering the entire plant. Photographed at 4500m altitude near Kedarnath in Uttarakhand. Liked the image and the story … Amarnath Yatra: Aster Sp for ID (NSJ-02 02/09/2013) : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Asteraceae Sp for ID Location – on the way to Panjtarni Altitude – 13000′ Approx Date Aug 12, 2013 Seems Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala. VoF Week: Anaphalis triplinervis at Hemkund: Anaphalis triplinervis just beside the Hemkund on 15.08.2012. I think it should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per images herein with single flower head on a stem. VOF Week: Anaphalis sp (U5) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib: Anaphalis sp (U5) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib. I hope Anaphalis cuneifolia Makes me aware that there are many Anaphalis in and around the Valley. I think it should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per images herein with single flower head on a stem. Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Anaphalis cuneifolia?? en-route Hemkund Sahib :: PKA40:: :Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. Anaphalis cuneifolia ?? —- en-route Hemkund Sahib. Already discussed at VOF Week: Anaphalis sp (U5) —- en-route Hemkund Sahib: I think it should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per images herein with single flower head on a stem. Anaphalis triplinervis var. intermedia from valley Pls validate I think it should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala (DC.) Airy Shaw as per images herein with single flower head on a stem. Pl. check comparative images at To me appears close to images at Anaphalis nepalensis (Spreng.) Hand.-Mazz. as per comparative images at Anaphalis Rather it should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala as per images & details herein. Seems convincing sir. Thanks for the help?
VoF Week : Anaphalis triplinervis: Name of species : Anaphalis triplinervis Family : Asteraceae Habit : Herb Habitat : Hill slope Date of click : 15th Aug`12 Location: Enroute to Hemkund Saheb, slightly lower then 3400 Mtrs (point to be noted in VoF book by SHri Keshav Murthy, the altitude mentioned is between 2000 to 3000 Mtrs) . Abundance : Not very common. It should be Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala as per images & details herein Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala :: Hemkund, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKSEP-44 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8) Saw these single flower on stalk Anaphalis near Hemkund, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. Kindly validate. Thanks, … Efi page available at To me also appear close to images at Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala flowers resemble those shown here by … References: GCC The Plant List Ver. 1.1 Flora of Pakistan Flora of China |
Anaphalis triplinervis var. monocephala
Updated on December 24, 2024