Andrographis megamalayana

Andrographis megamalayana Gnanasek., Karupp. & G. V. S. Murthy, Phytotaxa 244: 89 (2016);
India (Tamil Nadu, Kerala) as per CoL;
SW. India as per POWO;

275 ID wild plant Andrographis: 15 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Ramakkalmedu, Kumily, Idukki Dist. Kerala
Altitude: 3000fsl
Flower date: 08.01.2022, 12.50pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, sloppy, non shaded
Plant habit: creeping, branches, weak fleshy rigid stem 04mm base diameter, hairy, annual
Height: 20 cm
Leaves: opposite, ovate, oblong, apex, hairy, size:05×2cm
Flower: racemose inflorescence, clustered, size:01.5×1cm, off-white with brown shades, lite fragrance
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Andrographis producta (C.B.Clarke) Gamble ??

Very close to Andrographis producta, dear …, thank you very much for ID suggestion. I can’t confirm if it is or not,

After checking all species listed in FoPI, I think it is close to Andrographis stellulata C.B.Clarke as per POWO specimens- one and two.

Yes, it is Andrographis stellulata, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

Andrographis megamalayana Gnanasek. & al.
If there is whole habit picture, please do share with me.

I already sent habit images.

Sending again.

It’s megamalayana only

Yes, it is Andrographis megamalayana, thank you very much for ID my plant,



POWO  Catalogue of Life  Flora of peninsular India
Andrographis megamalayana (Andrographinae: Acanthaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India: Gunadayalan Gnanasekaran, Subbiah Karuppusamy, Garimella Venkata Suryanarayana MurthyPhytotaxa 244: 89 (2016) (Abstract: Andrographis megamalayana Gnanasek., Karupp. & G.V.S. Murthy (Andrographinae: Acanthaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India, is described here with illustrations, colour photographs, relationships with its allied species and IUCN conservation status. In addition, the pollen and seed morphology have been described here using Light and Scanning Electron Microscopes)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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