Aralia cachemirica

Aralia cachemirica Decne., Voy. Inde 4: 72 1841. (Syn: Aralia macrophylla Lindl.);


Aralia cachemerica from Kashmir:  Aralia cachemirica Lindl.,  Voy. Inde 4: 72 1841.
syn: Aralia macrophylla Lindl.

Local names: Khoree (Kashmir), Bankhor (Punjab)
Perennial herb up to 3 m tall; l2-3 pinnate on up to 15 cm long petiole; leaflets  4-15.5 cm long, ovate, serrate, apex acuminate, glabrous; lower leaflets petiolulate to sub-petiolulate, upper sessile to sub-sessile; flowers greenish-yellow in globular umbels, forming axillary or terminal panicles; pedicels and penduncles puberulous. calyx toothed, persistent. petals ovate; stamens 5, filaments longer than the petals; styles 5, united at the base, persistent; Fruit a 5-angled drupe, 2-3 mm long.

Endemic to N W Himalayas, occurring in forest areas and openings.
Photographed from Herbal Garden below Cheshmashahi (July) and Kashmir University Botanical Garden (August) where it has been grown.

Aralia as a group are popular houseplants in the temperate zone… but this aralia is new to me…

Yes … It is endemic to this region.

Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 2 m high; photos could be insufficient to get to the ID. Please validate to genus level.

I hope Aralia cachemirica

Looks like Aralia cachemirica

Am convinced by your and … hopes.


VOF Week: Aralia cachemirica from the Trek: This was found along Gobind Ghat-Ghanghariya trek….and is Aralia cachemirica most probably…hope to get validating/rectifying comments…

I am assuming we are seeing — budding and fruiting in at least two pictures: (7).JPG and (12).JPG

Thanks … yes here are buds and “would be” fruits, as I believe the buds belong to male flowers…

Very nice find
Family : Araliaceae

Interesting. Thanks a lot for sharing. I never saw this. I like Araliaceae sometimes 🙂

VoF Week: Aralia cachemirica from from way to Ghangriya:
Aralia cachemirica from from way to Ghangriya

Yes … Very good photographs

here are fruits from my Kashmir visit


Id request 001: 4 images.
Location: Kupwara, J&K.
Photo: Adil abdullah.

It might be Leea

Sir it is Aralia cashmerica

Ok, …, you’re right,

You should have given the name at the beginning

Saroj sir. I was not sure about it… So i thought experts will identify it.

But you should put up even if you feel the possible ID ! It will save a lot of time of members !

For future posts.. I will do the same.

OK, I hope so !

SK 3103 03 November 2021: 9 very high res. images.
Location: Mugu, Nepal
Altitude: 2417m.
Date: 22 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Aralia cachemirica Decne. ??

Yes, appears close as per images at Aralia cachemirica


Updated on December 24, 2024

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