Arenaria bryophylla Fernald, Rhodora 21: 5 1919. (syn: Arenaria bryophylla var. brevipedicella R.F.Huang & S.K.Wu; Arenaria muscifloris Edgew. & Hook.f.; Arenaria musciformis Wall. ex Edgew. & Hook.f. [Illegitimate]); . Common name: Flycatcher Sandwort . W. Tibet, Karakorums, Ladak, Sikkim (as per Flora of Pakistan) .
Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra::Arenaria bryophylla ?? NSJ-OCT 16/18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Arenaria bryophylla (Caryophyllaceae) for validation. Photo take on Aug 24,2016 on the Kailsah parikrama (Tibet) route. Altitude 15500 feet. I think this must surely be A.bryophylla – though had wondered when first viewing these images. Stony slopes, rocks in Tibetan borderlands to 6180m; Woolaston, recorded this as the highest known species on Everest but there are other claims to ‘highest’ recorded flowering plant. Thank you … I could identify this from the links you have provided in your earlier mails. Fwd: Arenaria bryophylla in Ladakh – one of the world’s highest plants! : 1 post by 1 author. Here with an image taken, as a slide for me in Nimaling Valley, Ladakh @ some 4800-5100m, I think. This appears to be Arenaria bryophylla – forming a mound/cushion. Stewart recorded it, usually @ 4700-5500m in Ladakh, especially on high passes. He stated that it is the highest plant found on Mt. Everest @ 6180m (Woolaston during an Everest Reconnaisance in the 1920s) but ‘The Guiness Book of Records’ claims the highest is Stellaria decumbens @ 6135m. Flowers of the Himalaya says this is found amongst rocks & on stony slopes @ 4300-6180m in the Tibetan borderlands from Kashmir to Sikkim and Tibet. .
Saxifraga ?? Appears so but could not find a match as per comparative images at Saxifraga Pls check Arenaria bryophylla Yes, matches with images and details at Arenaria bryophylla Fernald
. Ladakh, August 2022 :: Arenaria bryophylla :: ARK2022-169: 3 high res. images. Yes ! Yes, as per images at Arenaria bryophylla Yes …, excellent capture.
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Arenaria bryophylla
Updated on December 24, 2024