Art of SEM photography by Dr Vijayasankarji

See the art of SEM photography by Dr Vijayasankarji:

Thanks, …, for letting us know., creative side of Vijayasankar ji- that too at International level.
Very proud of having Vijayasankar ji as a Pillar of efloraofindia.

Thanks a lot … for noticing and sharing it on efloraofindia!

It’s a pleasure to be part of the eFI family although I haven’t been able to spend much time in the forum and missing all the insightful discussions…

Very creative photography.

Proud of you.

Congratulations Vijaysankar Ji, worthable microlevel work,

Wow, great!

Congratulations Vijayasankar ji.

Really excited to see such great images. Congratulations Vijayashankar Ji

Hearty congratulations  Vjayasankar Raman ji for your outstanding contribution.

Congratulations Vijayasankar ji, outstanding work

Many thanks …!

I really appreciate your nice gestures!

Congratulations Dr. Vijayashankar for your smart work.

Hearty congratulations, Vijayasankar ji. You are showing us wonders of Nature that we normally cannot see !!!

Extremely beautiful SEM images by Dr. Vijayshankar ji.
Kudos for your hard work.

Dear friends, thank you all so much for the nice words and appreciation!

Doc is rocking…. very beautiful pictures. I saw the link on facebook too.

Presenting science artistically is the most difficult part of science. Vijayasankar Ji has mastered it. Proud to have such experts in the family of efloraofindia. Funtastic images indeed.

Wonderful and highly creative work…congratulations Vijayasankar Ji for acquiring this rare skill..!!

I have seen them through facebook also

Updated on December 23, 2024

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