Reservoir of Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand

Id of Trees – ID26112019SH3 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Trees for id pl.
Here I am posting a very blurred picture taken from a moving vehicle.I was just curious about these Red-maroonish trees on the mountains.Throughout our journey I saw the mountain ranges filled with these trees.Seemed to be very common there.Off course couldn’t get a closer shot.But just wondered whether anyone from the group knows about these trees.
Location – Mandal- Haridwar Road ( Uttarakhand)
Date – November 2019

… would be the person to ask. am adding him in here. may be he will have a moment to see this and give idea. what was the date

Thank you … for adding me here.

I can only recognize the location here which is around the reservoir of Srinagar (Garhwal, 640m a.s.l.), nearly 140 km from Haridwar.
It is difficult to even guess the tree in autumn foliage.
May be, if I encounter this tree on mountains in Kumaon, the ID be resolved.

Thank you …
I know, it’s almost a stupidity to ask this id/ question, but these trees were so much in abundance almost throughout the journey in the mountain ranges that I was tempted to ask.Just thought that someone staying in the region may throw some light. Sorry for the trouble.

its no trouble. i am sure botanists who live there would know.
In USA everybody knows where and what trees show colors in Fall and thousands of articles are written  over the last couple of decades.
Fall color watching and trips for that porpose is a very thriving industry.
We in india dont have that industry yet. may be your picture will start that. such cases are serendipity to start a phenomenon
keep on sending them

Updated on December 24, 2024

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