Artemisia brevifolia

Artemisia brevifolia Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 6: 103 (1838) (syn: Seriphidium brevifolium (Wall. ex DC.) Ling & Y.R.Ling);
Afghanistan to W. Tibet and W. Himalaya as per POWO;

Ladakh, August 2022 :: Artemisia brevifolia for validation :: ARK2022-130: 4 high res. images.
This was at Namika la (a pass on the Srinagar Kargil route) at 3700 mt. ASL in August 2022.
Artemisia brevifolia
I arrived at the ID based on FoI and eFI pics. Requested to please validate

Yes !

not sure sir

This has become a sort of mystery.
Artemisia brevifolia, though mentioned in Checklist of Ladakh and POWO, is neither mentioned in Flora of PakistanFlora of China and BSI Flora of India.
Also see images at Artemisia minor ?, which look similar.
We have to find out the descriptions of both/ others, if any and then analyse to find out the correct species.

Keeping it as Artemisia brevifolia (although unable to find any description) as per id by Miroslav ji in FOI.



POWO  Catalogue of Life

Updated on December 23, 2024

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