Artemisia tournefortiana Rchb., Iconogr. Bot. Exot. 1: 6 (1824) (syn: Artemisia armeniaca Willd. ex Ledeb. ; Artemisia hispanica Jacq. ; Artemisia pyromacha Viv. );
Türkiye to Central Asia and W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, California, East Himalaya, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Nepal, North Caucasus, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang; Introduced into: Amur, Baltic States, Belgium, Central European Rus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Northwest European R, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine as per POWO;
Kindly help ID this Asteraceae member from Srinagar: 8 images.
All photos in this and my other posts are under CC-License(Attribution only needed)
Could it be Artemisia indica ?
On crushing the leaves I found them to be aromatic though they they do not smell as strongly as wormwood also a common weed here.
Also unlike wormwood (A.absinthium) it is an annual and the leaves too are not bitter in taste.
In my previous post I had wrongly written that there are only disc florets. I have since come upon a paper regarding closely related A.annua:
2 images.
I think looks different from images at
Also could not find a match as per comparative images at
One more photo:
Magnified view of a Capitulum. Thick bifid styles of outer ( Pistillate, Ray florets?) are prominent. Styles of inner (hermaphrodite disc florets?) not prominent.
Photo taken today only on 18th September
1 image.
What are the species listed in Srinagar ?
… might guide us in this matter as he has done considerable work on Srinagar flora.
This looks like Ambrosia artemisiifolia, a naturalized species in India.

Leaves are very similar but the following features are puzzling when when I do an image search for Ambrosia artemisiifolia on Google
… has posted A.artemisiifolia from Canada in October 2019 on EFI so he could kindly shed more light on this.
Please check Artemisia tournefortiana Rchb. !
Request opinion from experts in the field.
This is Artemisia tournefortiana Rchb., a common weedy annual.
Artemisia tournefortiana From Srinagar: 3 images.
Am posting three photos of Artemesia tournefortiana Rchb.; growing on the side of a path in Rawathpora Srinagar.
All photos under CCLicence (Attribution only needed.)
Please see other possibilities, altitude seems lower for this species (2500 to 4000 m)
Again thanks for your very interesting observation.
I noticed three pairs of linear 2mm long stipule like structures on the bases of the petioles arising from the adaxial side ( See Photo). One of them seems to be further divided into two.
Would request opinion of experts to confirm if they are stipules and would they be helpful in confirming its ID as A.tournefortiana.
2 images.
The illustration in Flora of China does not show the stipule like structures,
Illustration: Artemisia tournefortiana (
Could it be some other species as suggested by …?

Photo of a leaf showing stipule like structures at base of petiole not seen in FOC illustration
1 image.
Also see descriptions in FBI and BSI Flora of India (description seems to be sketchy and very few details).

BSI mentions stem as white to dull purple but here it is light green with dark green streaks (see Photo). It also gives the altitude as 2500-4000m (Srinagar alt is 1600meters asl) as was also pointed out by …
1 image.

With time the stipules? have become divided and look like tiny leaves.
1 image.
A possibility that comes to my mind is that it might be an invasive alien species that has not yet got noticed by local botanists.
Please cross verify with the image from Flora of Ladakh.
2 images.
Seems to be close but Leh is 3500 m asl but Srinagar (Rawathpora) is just about 1600 m asl.
I think my post would be the first record from this height.
Surprising that local botanists have missed this not uncommon herb.
Plants of Indian Himalayan Region, BSI
Artemisia tournefortiana Rchb., Iconogr. Bot. Exot. 1: 6. Pl. 5. 1824. Distribution: Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir; upto 3900 m.
That means the highest elevation is 3900m., lower elevation can be any.
Screenshot from Flora of India Vol. 12
Does it mean that in India it has not been reported below 2500m.?
To my mind that is the implication.
That means the range should be sea level to 3900m. But I have no idea of its recordings.
POWO Catalogue of Life BSI Flora of India Flora of China FOC illustration Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Useful Tropical Plants