Astragalus chlorostachys



VOF Week: Astragalus chlorostachys at VOF:
Astragalus chlorostachys (Family: Fabaceae) from VOF.


VOF Week 300812_DS_03:
On the way to VOF. Very hazy image- can it be identified, friends?

Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl. (family Fabaceae).

Yes …


VoF WeeK: Astragalus chlorostachys from Valley:
Astragalus chlorostachys from Valley

Fabaceae plant, was bit common i feel.


Astragalus chlorostachys :  7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
This is another one shot from Chakrata…
Can this be Astragalus chlorostachys… please suggest..

It is Astragalus chlorostachys

It would be much better to consult … of NBRI, Lucknow for the identification of Astragalus.

Yes, this is Astragalus chlorostachys.

Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl.
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Astragalus chlorostachys? :: Valley of Flowers :: NS OCT 09/09 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
This tall herb was seen in flowers and fruits in August at valley of flowers, Uttrakhand..
Please validate or correct the id, earlier inputs lead me to Astragalus chlorostachys …!

I think you are right, …


Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight::Astragalus chlorostachys :: VoF ::PKA-OCT-71:: : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Astragalus chlorostachys (Family: Fabaceae) from VOF.

very nice esp. the last one


Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: erect shrub, about 1.5 m high; flower about 15 mm long, about 5 – 7 mm across

Yes, Astragalus chlorostachys


SK 2869 28 January 2021: 8 very high resolution images.

Location: Chandragiri
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 2400m.
Habitat : Wild
Fabaceae …..???

I hope it has to be some Astragalus..

Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl.

Also check Astragalus himalayanus also.
Keys in Flora of Pakistan are based on the shape of Calyx teeth. Calyx teeth not triangular (deltoid) in A. himalyanus.
Calyx teeth shorter than the cup (cup c. 3 mm, teeth c. 1-2 mm) in Astragalus himalayanus Klotzsch in Klotzsch and Garckc as per keys and Calyx c. 3-4.5 mm long, pubescent, hairs black and white, teeth c. 1-1.5 mm long as per description.
Calyx 4-6.5 mm, densely covered with appressed to as­cending, dark brown and white hairs; teeth mostly unequal, tri­angular, 0.5-1.5 mm, sometimes indistinct as per description in Astragalus chlorostachys Lindley
Also check their detailed descriptions.

Two sp., Astragalus stipulatus D. Don and Astragalus khasianus Benth. ex Bunge are found listed in the book Flora of Kathmandu Valley, however I could not find the distribution for Astragalus khasianus Benth. ex Bunge for Nepal and legumes also does not look like matching. Astragalus stipulatus D. Don looks to be  completely different.
Astragalus himalayanus Klotzsch is found above 3200m only though FOI has mentioned the lower limit as 2400m. Do you think Mr. Garg, that legume shape matches with the Herbarium?
I may need to visit the location during flowering season.
1 book page image.

I think it is a very very complex genus and expert help is required along with the literature.

So, in the current scenario, we have to go by what the books say.
To me it appears close to Astragalus khasianus Bunge as per description and illustration in Flora of China and as per GBIF– specimen 1specimen 2 rather than Astragalus stipulatus D. Don as per description and illustration in Flora of China and as per GBIF– specimen 1specimen 2 and specimen 3

I also feel now but not recorded in Nepal except for the FoKV book.
Not even mentioned in the book  recently published by Department of Plant Resources, Govt. of Nepal.
I may have to check during the flowering season.

It is Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl. based whatever character I could decipher from photos

I am doubtful after checking the calyx at Astragalus chlorostachys

Or maybe he is right.

Ok … I shall try to follow up with flowers.


SK 3211 09 September 2021: 8 very high res. image.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2500m.
Date: 25 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Astragalus.. ???

Pl. check Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl.


Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl.: 16 very high res. images.

Location:Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude:  2221m.
Date: 17 August 2021
Habit : Wild


Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl.: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Chandragiri
Date: 18 july 2022
Altitude: 2300m.
Habitat : Wild
Image quality is not so good due to camera problems.

The id is correct. My student Dr L B Chaudhary (ex NBRI)is an expert on the genus


Updated on December 24, 2024

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