Barbarea intermedia Boreau, Fl. Centre France 2: 48 1840. (Syn: Barbarea gautieri Rouy & Foucaud; Barbarea pinnata Lebel ex Rouy & Foucaud; Barbarea prostrata Gay ex Lacaita; Barbarea sicula var. prostrata (Gay ex Lacaita) Gren. & Godr.; Barbarea vulgaris subsp. intermedia (Boreau) Maire; Barbarea vulgaris var. transiens Pau & Font Quer; Campe intermedia (Boreau) Rauschert; Crucifera media E.H.L.Krause);
Medium-flowered Winter-cress, Medium Winter-cress, Early Wintercress;
Barbarea intermedia is quite distinct from Barbarea vulgaris in smaller flowers (petals 4-6 mm long as against 6-9 mm, deeply pinnatisect upper leaves, basal leaves with narrower terminal lobe, thicker (1.5-2 mm as against 1-1.5 mm), and straight siliqua.
Brassicaceae sp. for ID-221111-PKA2:
Barbarea intermedia and not B. orthoceras as per … in another thread Brassicaceae Week: Barbarea intermedia from Kashmir: syn: Barbaraea vulgaris var. sicula Hook. f. & T. And.
Common names: Intermediate Wintercress, Medium-flower wintercress
Quite distinct from Barbarea vulgaris in smaller flowers (petals 4-6 mm long as against 6-9 mm, deeply pinnatisect upper leaves, basal leaves with narrower terminal lobe, thicker (1.5-2 mm as against 1-1.5 mm), and straight siliqua.
Photographed from Gulmarg and Pahalgam in Kashmir I would have just walked past it as a weed… this opens my eyes
. Brassicaceae Week :: PKA4-230911 :: Barbarea intermedia near Srinagar: Any leaves pl?. It is difficult to to separate B. vulgaris and B. intermedia without leaves. Pl. see my uploads.
Seen this small herb en-route Dhel pass at GHNP at an altitude of appeox. 3700m.
Family: Brassicaceae Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 11:20AM To me it is Barbaria intermedia Boreau (Brassicaceae). I photographed this plant believing it to be a cress on the Kareri trek. I started finding it above 2500m and saw it till 3200m approx. I am unable to find a match. Please help identify it.
Kareri Lake trek,
16-17 May 2017
Any Rorippa species ? Please wait for fruits, only fruits can rule out Brassica or establish otherwise…!!
Thank you … for this advice. I will do some research and see if I can come closer to the species.
Pl. check for Barbarea orthoceras Ledebour in FOC, but no distribution give for India here:
Thank you … for the links. I will study these and report back soon. Only 2 sp, Barbarea vulgaris W.T.Aiton and Barbarea vulgaris W.T.Aiton have got distribution in India and I guess it is close to Barbarea vulgaris W.T.Aiton. Barbarea intermedia Boreau ?? Yes, appears close as per images and details at Barbarea intermedia and as per GBIF specimens (from India– one and two)- three, four. .
Barbarea intermedia Boreau ??? It does looks like Barbarea intermedia.
. References:
Barbarea intermedia
Updated on December 24, 2024