Barleria prattensis

Barleria prattensis Santapau , Kew Bull. 3: 487 1948 publ. 1949.;
— named for French botanist, Jacques Barrelier … Dave’s Botanary
¿ prat-TEN-sis ? — named for Dr C A Pratt, London, who helped Santapau with Flora of KhandalaIPNI
commonly known as: forest barleria, pink barleriaMalayalam: മധുരക്കുറിഞ്ഞി madhurakurinjiMarathi: गुलाबी कोरांटी gulabi koranti, इखरु ikharu
As per efi thread:
Corolla tube is white inside in Barleria prattensis and not so in Barleria montana

barleria prattensis:  barleria prattensis
my place in alibaug
first week of october 201


barleria prattensis:  barleria prattensis
flowering profusely
alibaug, my place, this week

Nice photographs ! Mine are also flowering.

In the last photo leaves seems to be eaten by a caterpillar.  May I know the name of the caterpillar.

Didn’t notice any caterpillars but can only hazard a guess as it is the food plant of the Pansy group of butterflies.


Barleria prattensis – MN211012:
Barleria prattensis (Pink Barleria)
Place : Yeoor
Date : 20.10.2012


Plz id this Barleria species: pa7 – 26oct2012:
Sorry I have only one photo of this flower. If it is possible … plz identify the species of this Barleria flower from Yeoor area.

This looks like the Forest Barleria [Baleria prattensis].

You are most welcome. Sending a few of my photographs taken on my property at Shahapur last Sunday.


barleria prattensis:
barleria prattensis, alibaug
growing in a shady wooded area

Id of flower ID 27062013SH2 :  Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Flower for Id please.
Location – Silonda, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai

This is the Forest Barleria [Barleria prattenis]. My photographs of this are available at this link

via Species‎ > ‎B‎ > Barleria cristata

do you by chance have any other picture of this plant showing bracts? Somehow this looks like Barleria montana (bracts entire here, but bristly ciliate in B. cristata) to me. I may be wrong but. If you have already verified this, then you should be right.

… salutes … indeed mistaken identity.
Have attached the photos dug from archive … they were not uploaded because of poor quality.
Will make changes accordingly in my notes.
Immense thanks for this correction.

… the photo changed at the species page of Barleria cristata at

Pasting a link of Bengal Plants for the Bengali name of this plant – The name should read as জতি or জাতি for the coloured ones and সাদা জতি or সাদা জাতি for the white ones, i think.

Many many thanks … for providing the correct names for this plant. Will incorporate these names in near future,
A query stems: is ঝিন্টি jhinti a valid name for this plant, OR needs to be removed ?

A link of Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis

According to Piddington = JHINTEE in Sanskrit
According to “Plant Groups” (H. Mukherji) = JHINTI in Sanskrit and JHINTE in Hindi for Barleria cristata.
শাদা should be written as সাদা (white) , for a majority of West Bengal colloquial/verbal Bengali doesn’t make sharp difference between “S” and “SH”.
And জাতি, in place of জতি .

Thank you very much … for elaboration and clarity.

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Thanks … for putting the corrected ID – B. prattensis.
The common names compiled however belong to B. cristata.

Barleria from Satpura– NSD 45 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Seen this plant yesterday (9.10.09) in Madai area of Satpura Tiger Reserve

I think it is slightly different from Barleria montana posted today

Family – Acanthaceae

Photographed on – 9-9-09

Please id this plant

I think this much variation can be ignored.

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread


Flowers : 5 posts by 3 authors. 1. flowers of

1 :   Barleria involucrata : Jambhali Koranti
2 :   Barleria lawii : Pandhari Koranti
3 :  Centhratherum phyllolaenum : Purple head
Photographed at Alibag ,Maharashtra

Lovely shots, …,

A link for details of Barleria involucrata with Ver. names:

Here is a correction in identification from …:

“The flower which appears to be Barleria involucrata in … picture, should actually be Barleria montanaBarleria involucrata is supposed to have a reddish purple throat. The throat of the flower in Pravin’s pic is whitish, the same as Barleria montana.
Please check out

Barleria involucrata picture is of Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Thanks … for resurfacing … post. The photo named Jambhali Koranti looks B. prattensis and not involucrata.


Barleria sp. : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 correct images as above. which Barlerias  are they?

PA100045 & 46 … Barleria montana … commonly known as: mountain barleria • Marathi: डोंगरी कोरांटी dongari koranti
PA100048 & 49 … Barleria cuspidata … commonly known as: lesser yellow nail-dye, spiny barleria • Marathi: काटे कोरांटी kate koranti, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Sanskrit: कुरंटक kurantaka • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mañcat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellaimuli … … … Barleria prionitis is confusingly close to B. cuspidata  … I manage to take one for the other. …. clarifying comments please.

PA100045 & 46 is Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread


Names of Plants in India :: Barleria Montana : 3 posts by 2 authors.
via Species‎ > ‎B‎ > Barleria montana

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes … Thanks for putting the corrected name for the plant in picture. The compiled names however belong to B. montana.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria montana :: Valley Park :: DVMAR16/27 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
Barleria montana Nees
at Valley Park, CBD, Navi Mumbai on November 3, 2007

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Thanks … for the appreciation. Yes …, thanks for putting the corrected ID here in this post.
There are few other posts, where the corrected name has to be put.
I would get to them later after being through with my Acanthaceae posts.

Thanks, … I have done for all the posts in efi site. Pl. correct me if i am wrong.

Barleria montana Nees
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on December 9, 2006

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes …, many thanks for putting the corrected ID in this post.

Barleria montana Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 9, 2008

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes …, many thanks for putting the corrected ID in this post.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria montana :: Tungareshwar WLS :: DVMAR18/29 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
Barleria montana Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 18, 2008

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes …, many thanks for putting the corrected ID in this post.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria montana :: Tungareshwar WLS :: DVMAR19/30 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.
Barleria montana Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 18, 2008

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes …, many thanks for putting the corrected ID in this post.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria montana :: Karnala Bird Sanctuary :: DVMAR20/31 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Barleria montana Nees
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on October 25, 2008

Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread

Yes …, many thanks for putting the corrected ID in this post.


On going through Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India by Shankar M. Shendage and S.R. Yadav, I found I have messed up few posts with wrongly identifying Barleria prattensis as Barleria montana. This document is no longer found at Rheedea site, however you may download it from one of the posts in group’s database; thanks to Usha di for sharing it.
I have put below links to my recent posts carrying misidentifications. They must be Barleria prattensis Santapau, Kew Bull. 3: 487. 1949; … synonym: Barleria montana auct. non Nees, 1832: Beddome, Icon. Pl. Ind. Or.: t. 257. 1868; Cooke, Fl. Bombay 2: 461. 1904. AND NOT Barleria montana Nees in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 92. 1832 & in de Candolle, Prodr. 11: 232. 1847; … synonym:Barleria morrisiana E. Barnes & C.E.C. Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. 1939: 659. 1939; Karthikeyan et al., Fl. Pl. India – Dicotyl. 1: 6. 2009, syn. nov.
I checked group’s database – till date, there is no post of B. montana; I eagerly hope we get somebody posting it during this fortnight.
While I am strong about these misidentifications in my collection, I will be glad to get validations (positive OR negative). Will later correct my notes at flickr after the fortnight.
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on December 9, 2006
at Valley Park, CBD, Navi Mumbai on November 3, 2007
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 9, 2008
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 18, 2008
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 18, 2008
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on October 25, 2008

Yes, …, I always thought that the plant you posted was Barleria prattensis.

Thanks … very much for validating my thoughts. Will be correcting my notes soon.

Thanks for correcting the case, … wish every one else would follow your suit.
Thanks … for pointing out that changes were called for in another thread

Without wanting to ruffle this post, I see most of the B. prattensis (known as pink barleria or गुलाबी कोरांटी) posted in the group of lilac / lavender colour. Surely they are not pink. I will compile all the posts till date in this thread later when I get time and re-put my thoughts about prattensis / montana.

Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Barleria Prattensis :: Nakhind : PKA-MAR76/76:: :  1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Barleria prattensis  Photographed at Nakhind, Maharashtra.



Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Barleria prattensis- Close up :: Panvel region : PKA-MAR73/73:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Barleria prattensis ? close up view.. from Panvel-Chowk region..

Barleria from Satpura Tiger Reserve : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Photographed in Satpura Tiger Reserve, I think it is some Barleria sp. but not clear about the species.
Please help me in identification of sp.

It appears to be Barleria involucrata.

Could this be Barleria prattensis ?

Thanks, … You are right for this being Barleria prattensis as per Barleria prattensis Santapau

Flower for Id – Is it Barleria prattenis ? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id pl. Is it Barleria prattenis ?
Location – Mumbai
Date – October 2017

Yes, Barleria prattensis to me.


at kanakeshwar Alibag- 24/10/08; Tungareshwar WLS, Vasai (Thane), Near Mumbai- October 05, 2008; October 2008 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Vasai – Thane. Near Mumbai; at Tadoba, Pench & Melghat Tiger Reserve- Sept’09?; the national park in Mumbai- 25/10/09; at  CEC, Goregaon E, Mumbai on 8th Nov 09; “Irshalgad (Morbe dam)” (14-11-2009); At kanakeshwar, Alibag- Nov’09?; 01st Dec., 2009- Catchment of Bhoj Dam, Badlapur, Maharashtra; Satpura  Tiger Reserves– 9-9-09; 

Barleria prattensis :: Prabalmachi, near Panvel :: 30 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Prabalmachi  between Matheran and Panvel
Date: November 30, 2019 … Altitude: about 390 m (1,280 ft) asl
Barleria prattensis  Santapau

nice photos. nicer spotting abilities on a trek?

Yes, … ! Here it is trekking. And have to ask for time when I spot some plant.
Since I cannot take much advantage of their time, I stop somewhere half way and explore that region until their return.


via Species‎ > ‎B‎ > Barleria prattensis Santapau … family: Acanthaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
bar-LEER-ee-uh — named for French botanist, Jacques BarrelierDave’s Botanary
¿ prat-TEN-sis ? — named for Dr C A Pratt, London, who helped Santapau with Flora of KhandalaIPNI
commonly known as: forest barleria, pink barleriaMalayalam: മധുരക്കുറിഞ്ഞി madhurakurinjiMarathi: गुलाबी कोरांटी gulabi koranti, इखरु ikharu
botanical names: Barleria prattensis Santapau … synonyms: no synonym recorded … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
November 30, 2019 … Prabalmachi, off Panvel

bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier … Dave’s Botanary
prat-TEN-sis — named for Dr C A Pratt, London, who helped Santapau with Flora of Khandala … IPNI
commonly known as: forest barleria, pink barleria • Malayalam: മധുരക്കുറിഞ്ഞി madhurakurinji • Marathi: गुलाबी कोरांटी gulabi koranti, इखरु ikharu

botanical namesBarleria prattensis Santapau … synonyms: no synonyms known … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
forest barleria
  • Common Indian Wild Flowers by Isaac Kehimkar
pink barleria
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
മധുരക്കുറിഞ്ഞി madhurakurinji
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
गुलाबी कोरांटी gulabi koranti
इखरु ikharu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at

Is this mountain barleria Barleria montana: Pl validate the ID or please suggest otherwise.
Photograph taken in Bandhavgarh national park.

I think it is Barleria cristata, as the sepals look serrate in the picture.

Look like Barleria prattensis Sant.

Yes, appears close to images at Barleria prattensis


Bot. name: Barleria prattensis ?
Location: Panvel -Chowk region 

efi page on Barleria prattensis 


Need help with id’ing this pink-flowered annual : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Bhopal; black soil; 11/10/2020

Barleria montana

Thanks, …, for the initial id.
It is Barleria prattensis (often confused with Barleria montana) as per images and details herein.


Barleria montana : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 21SEP21 : AK – 031: 4 images.
Barleria montana seen at the base of Borgad, on the mountain slopes.
For validation.

Yes it’s

Why not Barleria prattensis?

Confusing. Images of B. prattensis in FoI looks more close.

Seeds hairy …….. montana
Seeds glabrous …. prattensis.

Since I had not seen Barleria prattensis before, it did not come to my mind.
Now, even I feel it is closer to Barleria prattensis as suggested by …
…, there were no seeds as yet.
…, you have expertise in the flora in Maharashtra, please give your final opinion.

Well, Barleria prattensis is common in this part of Maharashtra. I haven’t seen B. montana but that doesn’t mean it is not present.
…, if you can wait for the seeds it would be great.

Borgad Conservation Reserve is a restricted area, which comes under the Air Force.
Special permission was taken by the Nature Conservation Society of Nasik to see the flowering of Karvi after 8 years.
The Field Officer … tells me it is Forest Barleria, Endemic to Western Ghats. It is also the host plant for Pansy Species of Butterflies.
I have seen Barleria montana only in Mahabaleshwar before.
The above was growing in a number of places.

Nature Conservation Society’s Field Officer … has confirmed this to be Barleria prattensis.

Thanks for pointing out the error, else I would have not realised my mistake.
It’s always a pleasure to learn from you.


Peth Kothaligad, September 2021 :: Barleria for ID :: ARK2022-006: 3 images.

This was clicked at Peth Kothaligad hill fort near Karjat, MH in September 2021.
Confused between Barleria montana and B. prattensis.
Requested to please ID.

I think it is Barleria prattensis. I remember observing it at Peth fort.

Corolla tube is white inside in Barleria prattensis and not so in Barleria montana

In Santapau’s work of 1951, The Acanthaceae of Bombay, there are detailed descriptions of both the species. The main difference is in the seeds, larger and hairy in B. montana, and smaller and glabrous in B. prattensis. He also states that B. montana is not found in the Bombay presidency. 
The colour of the corolla in B. prattensis varies from rosy pink to purple with the colour fading in older flowers. The flowers of B. montana are said to be bright blue.

Earlier taxonomists depended more on herbarium specimens.

I have doubts about: ‘The flowers of B. montana are said to be bright blue’

Myself observing these two in our database, came to a clear cut conclusion (although I have not seen mentioned anywhere):
Corolla tube is white inside in Barleria prattensis and not so in Barleria montana
Pl. check, you will be surprised to find out.

This would be a very useful and easy distinction. It would need to be verified by collecting seeds of specific plants.

It would please you to know that the “whitish” corolla tube does find a mention in the description of B. prattensis in the “Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India” by Shankar M. Shendage and S. R. Yadav, published in 2010. I’ve attached the relevant excerpts of the descriptions of B. prattensis and B. montana from this paper.
I am well acquainted with Santapau’s work. These are his precise words regarding B. montana: “The flowers are said to be bright blue”. Obviously, he was not writing from first-hand experience on this occasion.
All the authors (past and present) agree that the seeds are the key distinguishing factor between these two species.
On the distribution of B. montana, Santapau wrote that “this plant does not occur in Bombay State, or at least I have failed to find a single authentic specimen”. According to the paper on Barleria cited above, it does occur in Maharashtra but to a far lesser extent than B. prattensis.
On close observation of the first two images by …, the corolla tube is indeed whitish. In fact, the white corolla tube is clearly visible in the side view of the topmost flower in the photograph labelled “Barleria_Kothaligad3.JPEG”. If we are to rely on this character in the absence of seeds, it would be fair to consider this plant as B. prattensis.
2 attachments.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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